vscode-kb-macro icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vscode-kb-macro copied to clipboard

Recordable keyboard macro for Visual Studio Code

Keyboard Macro Beta

Node.js CI CodeQL

With this Visual Studio Code extension, you can record and playback your keyboard inputs.

    Ctrl+Alt+R : Start/Stop Recording
    Ctrl+Alt+P : Playback


  • If you are using a keymap extension or any other kind of extension that has keyboard shortcuts or you have custom keybindings in your keybindings.json, you will need some additional work to enable them to be recorded. See the sections below.

YOU CAN RECORD (basically):

  • Characters that you type in a text editor
    • including ones via code completion or IME as well.
  • Editor keyboard shortcuts in VS Code default keybindings
    • such as cursor movement, selection, scroll, delete, cut/copy/paste, search/replace, undo/redo, indent, comment, and so on.

YOU CANNOT RECORD (mainly due to the lack of capabilities of VS Code API to capture them):

  • Mouse inputs
  • Command execution via Command Palette
  • Menu navigation (even if you use accelerator keys)
  • Widget/Popup UI navigation (e.g. Quick Picks, Find and replace widget, IntelliSense popup)
    • Typing on the find/replace input box is not recorded, but shortcut keys like Enter/F3 (Find Next) hit on the widget are recorded.
    • Selecting items in the suggest widget (even with arrow keys) are not recorded, however, once you accept one of the items and the text is inserted into the document, that is recorded as if you typed it directly.
  • IME navigation
    • IME navigation is not recorded directly, however, the characters that are inserted into the document as output from IME are recorded as if they are typed directly.

How to enable custom keybindings to be recorded

If you found your favorite keyboard shortcuts are not supported to be recorded, you could make them recordable by adding corresponding wrappers to your keybindings.json.

If you have a keyboard shortcut like:

        "key": "ctrl+shift+a",
        "command": "editor.action.selectToBracket",
        "when": "editorTextFocus"

the corresponding wrapper should look like below.

        "key": "ctrl+shift+a",
        "command": "kb-macro.wrap",
        "args": {
            "command": "editor.action.selectToBracket"
        "when": "kb-macro.active && editorTextFocus"

Add this keybinding rule below the original one in the keybindings.json.

The following are the details:

  • The kb-macro.wrap command is the wrapper that executes the target command specified in the args.command parameter and records it on the sequence.
  • The when clause of a wrapper keybinding should contain additional context kb-macro.active, which evaluates to true when the recording mechanism is active.
  • If you have an args parameter for the target command, you could write it in args.args.
  • If the target command is not a built-in command of VS Code, in other words, it is provided by an extension, likely you may need to add an args.await parameter in the wrapper. See below.

How to enable your favorite keymap extension to be recorded

See Keymap Wrappers.

The args.await parameter

When this extension performs playback of a recorded command sequence, the commands should be executed one by one exactly. Specifically, each command in the sequence should end its execution and all the side effects of the command such as document change should be completed before the subsequent command is invoked. Otherwise, it may cause an unexpected result.

The mechanism of this extension to playback recorded command sequence relies on a VS Code API vscode.commands.executeCommand. Unfortunately, this API doesn't seem to provide a Promise that resolves when the target command ends its execution. Especially, if the target command is provided by an extension, the API seems to ensure only the start of the command execution. And I found the same thing happens with some built-in commands.

So, we don't have a proper way to execute commands one by one, without any knowledge of target commands.

We need to know the true timing of the end of command execution, especially for commands with side effects. The args.await parameter is the way to tell this extension the set of possible side effects of a target command.

        "key": "ctrl+alt+z",
        "command": "kb-macro.wrap",
        "args": {
            "command": "some.extension.command",
            "await": "document selection"
        "when": "kb-macro.active && editorTextFocus"

The value of an args.await parameter is a space-separated keyword list. Possible keywords are shown below.

Keyword Event to wait for to happen
'document' Changes in the text document of the active editor
'selection' Changes of the selection (typically, cursor movement) in the active editor
'clipboard' Changes of the clipboard text

If multiple keywords are specified in an args.await parameter, it means all of them are expected to happen.

If a target command does not always reproduce the specified side effects, it is okay since the playback mechanism has a timeout, which is 300 milliseconds.

How to customize shortcut keys for recording and playback

This is the default keybinding set for recording/playback of this extension. Copy and paste this into your keybindings.json and modify it as you like.

        "key": "ctrl+alt+r",
        "command": "kb-macro.startRecording",
        "when": "!kb-macro.recording"
        "key": "ctrl+alt+r",
        "command": "kb-macro.finishRecording",
        "when": "kb-macro.recording"
        "key": "ctrl+alt+p",
        "command": "kb-macro.playback",
        "when": "!kb-macro.recording"
        "key": "ctrl+alt+p",
        "command": "kb-macro.cancelRecording",
        "when": "kb-macro.recording"
        "key": "escape",
        "command": "kb-macro.abortPlayback",
        "when": "kb-macro.playing"

How to save the recorded sequence for future use

After you have successfully recorded a sequence, you may also save it for future use in another VS Code session.

  1. Open the Command Palette by ctrl+shift+p (cmd+shift+p for Mac).
  2. Search for the command Keyboard Macro: Copy Macro as Keybinding and execute it. It copies the sequence in keybinding JSON format to the clipboard.
  3. Open your keybindings.json (Keyboard Shortcuts JSON).
  4. Paste the JSON at the appropriate location (typically the last in the file).
  5. Fill the key property which is left blank with a new keystroke (e.g. "key": "ctrl+alt+z").


Task Recordable ways to do it
Move focus to editor Instead of mouse, use ctrl+1 (cmd+1 for Mac)
Switch editor tabs Instead of ctrl+tab, use ctrl+pageup/ctrl+pagedown (alt+cmd+left/alt+cmd+right for Mac)


For recording

Command name Command ID Function
Start Recording kb-macro.startRecording Start recording
Finish Recording kb-macro.finishRecording Stop recording
Cancel Recording kb-macro.cancelRecording Stop recording and discard the recorded sequence
Copy Macro as Keybinding kb-macro.copyMacroAsKeybinding Copy the last recorded macro as keybinding JSON format to the clipboard

For playback

Command name Command ID Function
Playback kb-macro.playback Perform playback of the last recorded sequence
Abort Playback kb-macro.abortPlayback Abort currently-running playback
Repeat Playback kb-macro.repeatPlayback Perform playback specified number of times
Repeat Playback Till End of File kb-macro.repeatPlaybackTillEndOfFile Repeat playback until the cursor reaches the end of the file

The kb-macro.repeatPlayback command shows an input box to specify the number of times.

The kb-macro.playback command has an optional repeat argument to specify the number of times to repeat.

    // Example: Repeat playback 5 times.
    "key": "ctrl+alt+5",
    "command": "kb-macro.playback",
    "args": {
        "repeat": 5

The kb-macro.playback command has an optional sequence argument to specify a command sequence to playback instead of the last recorded sequence.

    // Example: Duplicate current line as a comment
    "key": "ctrl+alt+up",
    "command": "kb-macro.playback",
    "args": {
        "sequence": [
            { "command": "editor.action.addCommentLine" },
            { "command": "editor.action.copyLinesUpAction" },
            { "command": "editor.action.removeCommentLine" }

When clause context

when clause context True when
kb-macro.recording The macro recording is ongoing
kb-macro.playing The macro playback is ongoing
kb-macro.active The recording mechanism is active. If true, all wrapper keybindings should be enabled.

Known issues and limitations

  • As this extension will take a few days to catch up with each release of VS Code, keyboard shortcuts that are newly introduced or modified in the release may not work properly with this extension during that time.
  • This extension is designed to work with VS Code on Windows, Linux, and macOS, but is tested mainly on Windows.

Design details

See DESIGN.md.

Change log