Thorsten Schwander
Thorsten Schwander
I see similar errors a few times each month `* 2016-12-02 21:15:01 -> InvenioBibRecordFieldError: There is no subfield with position '7'. ( ` or `* 2016-06-24 11:22:54 -> InvenioBibRecordFieldError: No...
I note that journal lookup from a reference in 999C5s currently uses journal index which utilizes a KB for synonyms The reverse, looking for a pubnote in 999C5s does exact...
you can use OAI-PMH ListIdentifiers or which comes in chunks of 10k, so is relatively quick to get all 1.3 million. However you only get `set` membership, not...
@ksachs ``` $ python ./ harvesting via ListIdentifiers from arXiv between 2018-02-11 and 2018-02-12 cs physics:cond-mat cs, math math, physics:cond-mat, physics:math-ph math physics:astro-ph
semantic overloading of identifiers is almost always leading to problems. some examples were already given by others, e.g. corrections to "year" or spelling errors in "author" or name changes for...
this behavior is made more likely due to high priority (5) of legacy bibedit bibuploads, which enables them to leapfrog even already scheduled bibuploads from labs at lower priority. I...
I'm running into the same issue, using the steps described above allows to make build I see another difference in the go.sum ``` --- a/go.sum +++ b/go.sum @@ -245,7 +245,7...
go version go1.21.5 linux/amd64 I ran ``` go clean -modcache go mod tidy ``` which didn't help
I can `make build` with the modified go.sum file, but not with the go.sum as pulled from the repo ``` $ git pull Already up to date. $ git status...
``` $ git stash pop On branch master Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'. Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add ..." to update what will be...