costmap_depth_camera icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
costmap_depth_camera copied to clipboard

how can i use this package?

Open kyuuzou1125 opened this issue 1 year ago • 13 comments

Hello, I use this package and launch a turtlebot3 file and also with this costmap_depth_camera.launch file. However, I can't see anything. My turtlebot3 launch file is as follows:

  <arg name="model" default="$(env TURTLEBOT3_MODEL)" doc="model type [burger, waffle, waffle_pi]"/>
  <arg name="x_pos" default="-8.0"/>
  <arg name="y_pos" default="0.0"/>
  <arg name="z_pos" default="0.0"/>

  <node pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="robot_state_publisher"  name="robot_state_publisher">
    <param name="publish_frequency" type="double" value="30.0" />

  <include file="$(find gazebo_ros)/launch/empty_world.launch">
    <arg name="world_name" value="$(find turtlebot3_gazebo)/worlds/"/>
    <!-- <arg name="world_name" value="/home/ncs/zyw_ws/src/sim_demo/"/> -->
    <arg name="paused" value="false"/>
    <arg name="use_sim_time" value="true"/>
    <arg name="gui" value="true"/>
    <arg name="headless" value="false"/>
    <arg name="debug" value="false"/>

  <param name="robot_description" command="$(find xacro)/xacro --inorder $(find turtlebot3_description)/urdf/turtlebot3_$(arg model).urdf.xacro" />

  <node pkg="gazebo_ros" type="spawn_model" name="spawn_urdf"  args="-urdf -model turtlebot3_$(arg model) -x $(arg x_pos) -y $(arg y_pos) -z $(arg z_pos) -param robot_description" />

  <!-- <node pkg="joint_state_publisher" type="joint_state_publisher" name="joint_state_publisher"/> -->


And my costmap launch file is as follows:


  <arg name="map_file" default="$(find costmap_depth_camera)/map/gallery.yaml"/>
    <node name="map_server" pkg="map_server" type="map_server" args="$(arg map_file)" output="screen">
        <rosparam file="$(arg map_file)" command="load" />

  <!-- Run the costmap node, load the yaml in our directory -->
  <node name="costmap_node" pkg="costmap_2d" type="costmap_2d_node" output="screen">
    <rosparam file="$(find costmap_depth_camera)/launch/new_costmap_depth_camera.yaml" command="load"/>

    Publish map to base_link tf using gyro data; 
    This is just for testing, you can remove this node (imu_tf_node) if you have your own tf
  <node name="imu_tf_node" pkg="costmap_depth_camera" type="" output="screen" />
  <!-- Provide full connection from map to camera_link -->
  <node pkg="tf2_ros" type="static_transform_publisher" name="baselink2camera" args="0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 odom map" output="screen" /> 

This is my tf tree. QQ截图20240110170031

Can you give some detailed imformation of using your package? Thank you very much!

kyuuzou1125 avatar Jan 10 '24 08:01 kyuuzou1125

Your setup is confused.

  1. If you have simulation environment that publish point cloud, you dont need imu_tf_node.
  2. Your costmap launch file provides static_transform_publisher from odom->map, which I cant see in your tf tree, that means something wrong in setup/launch file/your command. Also it should be map->odom not odom->map
  3. Your TF tree shows your RS is on d435_link, you have to set it up correctly in new_costmap_depth_camera.yaml

tsengapola avatar Jan 15 '24 05:01 tsengapola

Hello! I 've edit my launch file and I got this map in rviz. 图片 It seems there is no costmap updated. Is it because the point cloud output from the realsense camera in the simulation environment is relatively sparse? And I found that the filtered point cloud topic no longer has point cloud output. 图片 Thank you very much!

kyuuzou1125 avatar Jan 15 '24 09:01 kyuuzou1125

Provide me following things:

  1. rostopic bw /your_point_cloud_topic
  2. new_costmap_depth_camera.yaml

tsengapola avatar Jan 15 '24 12:01 tsengapola

图片 And yaml contents are as follows:

  global_frame: map
  robot_base_frame: base_link
  update_frequency: 5.0
  publish_frequency: 5
  static_map: false
  rolling_window: true
  width: 20
  height: 20
  resolution: 0.05  
  transform_tolerance: 1.0
  footprint: [[0.46,0.25], [0.36,0.37], [0.33,0.39], [-0.39,0.4], [-0.48,0], [-0.39,-0.4], [0.33,-0.39], [0.36,-0.37], [0.46,-0.25], [0.49,0]]

    - {name: static, type: 'costmap_2d::StaticLayer'}
    - {name: 3DPerception, type: 'costmap_depth_camera::DepthCameraObstacleLayer'}
    - {name: inflation, type: 'costmap_2d::InflationLayer'}

    map_topic: /map

    inflation_radius: 1.0
    cost_scaling_factor: 0.5

    use_global_frame_to_mark: true
    forced_clearing_distance: 0.1
    ec_seg_distance: 0.2
    ec_cluster_min_size: 5
    size_of_cluster_rejection: 5
    voxel_resolution: 0.01
    check_radius: 0.1
    number_clearing_threshold: 2
    enable_near_blocked_protection: false
    number_points_considered_as_blocked: 5
    observation_sources: d435 #depth_cam_left
    depth_cam: {sensor_frame: d435_depth_frame, topic: /d435/depth/color/points, expected_update_rate: 0.3, FOV_W: 1.0, FOV_V: 0.9, min_detect_distance: 0.15, max_detect_distance: 2.0, min_obstacle_height: 0.08}
    #depth_cam_left: {sensor_frame: camera_link_left, topic: /camera_left/depth/color/points, expected_update_rate: 0.3, FOV_W: 1.0, FOV_V: 0.9, min_detect_distance: 0.15, max_detect_distance: 2.0, min_obstacle_height: 0.08}

Thank you very much!

kyuuzou1125 avatar Jan 16 '24 02:01 kyuuzou1125

  1. Your point cloud is too huge, use noetic-voxelized-pc-before-euc branch should solve your problem.
  2. In your yaml: depth_cam: {sensor_frame: d435_depth_frame, ... shoulde be: depth_cam: {sensor_frame: d435_link, ...

tsengapola avatar Jan 16 '24 04:01 tsengapola

Thanks, I 've modified my yaml and applied voxel filtering to the point cloud. 图片 图片 I set up a dynamic obstacle bounding box and use a test map.yaml, but there is no RViz output. I mean there is no real-time costmap output when the obstacle box is moving. When the small obstacle box enters the camera's field of view, there is no output from the costmap, and when the box exits the camera's field of view, the corresponding costmap is not updated either. Could it be an issue with the RViz topic choose? And when I switch to the pointcloud topic "clustered_pc", "marking_pc", there is no output. Could it be an issue in this section? Thank you very much!

kyuuzou1125 avatar Jan 16 '24 06:01 kyuuzou1125

Look like more information is required. Can you use ros1-debug branch to run the same setup, I put some ROS_INFO in the code for debugging. When the system is launched, provide me the msg in the terminal.

tsengapola avatar Jan 17 '24 06:01 tsengapola

Hello! I switched to ros1-debug branch. The results are as follow: QQ截图20240117175940 example1 No update in costmap. This is what in terminal: QQ截图20240117181140 QQ截图20240117181015 The upper-left corner is Gazebo, the upper-right corner is Costmap Depth Camera, the lower-left corner is RViz, and the lower-left corner on the right is Voxel Filtering. QQ截图20240117181833 QQ截图20240117181910 QQ截图20240117181921 I cannot see any new ROS_INFO msg, I think the system didn't go into the updateBounds function, must be something wrong in the pointcloud related function. Thank you very much again!

kyuuzou1125 avatar Jan 17 '24 10:01 kyuuzou1125

I think the issue is here in your yaml: observation_sources: d435 #depth_cam_left d435: {sensor_frame: d435_depth_frame, topic: /d435/depth/color/points, expected_update_rate: 0.3, FOV_W: 1.0, FOV_V: 0.9, min_detect_distance: 0.15, max_detect_distance: 2.0, min_obstacle_height: 0.08}

tsengapola avatar Jan 17 '24 10:01 tsengapola

It works! Thank you so much! example1 Like you said, the key questions are the huge pointcloud data and yaml. In yaml, I forget to keep the sources name and the name below be the same. Thank you!

By the way, when I turned into real environment, new problem turned out: 图片 Why the buffer doesnot update? 图片 I run your launch file and only change imu publisher and tf_transfer. Thank you!

kyuuzou1125 avatar Jan 18 '24 06:01 kyuuzou1125

I think the plugin did not get your point cloud. Provide me the tf tree ad also check your topic and frame setup in your yaml.

tsengapola avatar Jan 18 '24 09:01 tsengapola

Thank you, I check my yaml and edit camera_frame inside and it works. Thank you! 图片 The tf_tree I used to meet are all map->base_link->camera_link, so the reversed order won't cause any issues, right?

kyuuzou1125 avatar Jan 18 '24 10:01 kyuuzou1125

The base_link->map connection is not commonly used. I suggest to make it as map->base_link->camera_link. You might meet some issue if you use base_link->map.

tsengapola avatar Jan 20 '24 07:01 tsengapola


Hello. I'd like to inquire about something. Is it possible?

thslr2154 avatar Feb 03 '25 05:02 thslr2154