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snippy-multi - bed targets file is not open
Hi! Thanks for this useful program!
This is the first time I use snippy-multi.
This is my
PNG84A /media/koala/Main/mishell/snippy-multi/t1/210.2442.fna
G272 /media/koala/Main/mishell/snippy-multi/t1/210.2712.fna
My target proteins in my virulent_proteins_targets.bed
(tab file)
CP003904 806853 808877 fliD
CP003904 445347 448223 23Srna
The commands that I ran were:
snippy-multi --ref --cpus 2 --targets virulent_protein_targets.bed >
Generating output commands for 2 isolates
And finally:
While it was running I noticed this message:
[20:24:12] Running: freebayes-parallel reference/ref.txt 2 -p 2 -P 0 -C 2 -F 0.05 --min-coverage 10 --min-repeat-entropy 1.0 -q 13 -m 60 --strict-vcf --targets '/media/koala/Main/mishell/snippy-multi/t1/PNG84A/virulent_protein_targets.bed' -f reference/ref.fa snps.bam > snps.raw.vcf 2>> snps.log [20:24:12] Error running command, check PNG84A/snps.log
It kept running but ended with it showed this message:
[samclip] Total SAM records 128955, removed 17882, allowed 7721, passed 111073 [samclip] Header contained 3 lines [samclip] Done. [20:24:41] Running: samtools index snps.bam 2>> snps.log [20:24:41] Running: reference/ref.fa.fai 565248 > reference/ref.txt 2>> snps.log [20:24:41] Running: freebayes-parallel reference/ref.txt 2 -p 2 -P 0 -C 2 -F 0.05 --min-coverage 10 --min-repeat-entropy 1.0 -q 13 -m 60 --strict-vcf --targets '/media/koala/Main/mishell/snippy-multi/t1/G272/virulent_protein_targets.bed' -f reference/ref.fa snps.bam > snps.raw.vcf 2>> snps.log [20:24:41] Error running command, check G272/snps.log
I wanted to go and check that G272/snps.log
but I waited until the program ended.
The program kept running:
This is snippy-core 4.6.0 Obtained from Enabling bundled tools for linux Found any2fasta - /home/koala/biotools/snippy/binaries/noarch/any2fasta Found samtools - /home/koala/anaconda3/bin/samtools Found minimap2 - /home/koala/anaconda3/bin/minimap2 Found bedtools - /home/koala/anaconda3/bin/bedtools Found snp-sites - /home/koala/biotools/bin/snp-sites Saving reference FASTA: core.ref.fa This is any2fasta 0.4.2 Opening 'G272/ref.fa' Detected FASTA format Read 27800 lines from 'G272/ref.fa' Wrote 1 sequences from FASTA file. Processed 1 files. Done. Loaded 1 sequences totalling 1667892 bp. Will mask 0 regions totalling 0 bp ~ 0.00% ERROR: Could not find .aligned.fa/.vcf in G272
And it stops there.
The previous message before the end said [20:24:41] Error running command, check G272/snps.log
I wen to check that file, there was a warning:
### snpEff build -c reference/snpeff.config -dataDir . -gff3 ref
WARNING: All frames are zero! This seems rather odd, please check that 'frame' information in your 'genes' file is accurate.
But it kept running until this point:
### freebayes-parallel reference/ref.txt 2 -p 2 -P 0 -C 2 -F 0.05 --min-coverage 10 --min-repeat-entropy 1.0 -q 13 -m 60 --strict-vcf --targets '/media/koala/Main/mishell/snippy-multi/t1/G272/virulent_protein_targets.bed' -f reference/ref.fa snps.bam > snps.raw.vcf
bed targets file is not open
bed targets file is not open
bed targets file is not open
What does it mean by that? I'm uploading here my bed file (changing it to .txt because github doesn't support that type of file (bed): virulent_protein_targets.txt .
I will be very grateful if you could help me with this issue.
Thanks a lot in advance :)
In the issue #312 the user has the same problem as me. I will try with the absolute path to my targets :)
I get and error again but this time the program run a lot more. I'm attaching a copy of my log file here for more details snippy.log
While running, the program gave me a lot of lines of this same message:
[bcf_ordered_writer.cpp:163 write] Might not be sorted for window size 10000 at current record CP003904:806930 < 1088758 (1098758 [last record] - 10000), please increase window size to at least 291829.
Can anyone tell me what it means please?
Then, like in the previous run, the program told me to check G272/snps.log
[21:24:48] Running: snpEff ann -noLog -noStats -no-downstream -no-upstream -no-utr -c reference/snpeff.config -dataDir . ref snps.filt.vcf > snps.vcf 2>> snps.log [21:24:56] Running: /home/koala/biotools/snippy/bin/snippy-vcf_to_tab --gff reference/ref.gff --ref reference/ref.fa --vcf snps.vcf > 2>> snps.log [21:24:59] Running: /home/koala/biotools/snippy/bin/snippy-vcf_extract_subs snps.filt.vcf > snps.subs.vcf 2>> snps.log [21:25:00] Running: bcftools convert -Oz -o snps.vcf.gz snps.vcf 2>> snps.log [21:25:01] Running: bcftools index -f snps.vcf.gz 2>> snps.log [21:25:01] Error running command, check G272/snps.log
Then it kept going:
This is snippy-core 4.6.0 Obtained from Enabling bundled tools for linux Found any2fasta - /home/koala/biotools/snippy/binaries/noarch/any2fasta Found samtools - /home/koala/anaconda3/bin/samtools Found minimap2 - /home/koala/anaconda3/bin/minimap2 Found bedtools - /home/koala/anaconda3/bin/bedtools Found snp-sites - /home/koala/biotools/bin/snp-sites Saving reference FASTA: core.ref.fa This is any2fasta 0.4.2 Opening 'G272/ref.fa' Detected FASTA format Read 27800 lines from 'G272/ref.fa' Wrote 1 sequences from FASTA file. Processed 1 files. Done. Loaded 1 sequences totalling 1667892 bp. Will mask 0 regions totalling 0 bp ~ 0.00% ERROR: Could not find .aligned.fa/.vcf in G272
And ends with that error.
I checked the G272/snps.log
and it says:
It seems something goes wrong when bcftools wants to index my vcf file.
Perhaps there is a problem with my bed file. Maybe because the positions are not in order?
I'll correct that mistake and run the program again :) Thanks a lot in advance!
I get an error again. I'm attaching a copy of my log file here for more details snippy3.log
Like in the previous run, the program gave me several times a message like this :
[bcf_ordered_writer.cpp:163 write] Might not be sorted for window size 10000 at current record CP003904:806930 < 1088758 (1098758 [last record] - 10000), please increase window size to at least 291829.
Then. it seems there was an error here:
[21:46:42] Running: bcftools index -f snps.vcf.gz 2>> snps.log [21:46:42] Error running command, check PNG84A/snps.log
Same with the other isolate:
[21:47:48] Running: bcftools index -f snps.vcf.gz 2>> snps.log [21:47:48] Error running command, check G272/snps.log
It seems something goes wrong when bcftools wants to sort and index my vcf file.
It ends with the message:
Loaded 1 sequences totalling 1667892 bp. Will mask 0 regions totalling 0 bp ~ 0.00% ERROR: Could not find .aligned.fa/.vcf in G272
I went to check the G272/snps.log
It seems to be linked to when bcftools wants to sort and index my vcf file and something in my bed file makes it fail.
I seems like a problem in my bed file but I don't understand what is wrong with it.
I'm attaching it here (in .txt): virulent_protein_targets_sorted.txt
Please, I'll be very grateful for any help to understand what can I do to make this work! Thanks a lot in advance!
I ran the command without my targets in bed format (virulent_protein_targets_sorted.bed
snippy-multi file4.txt --ref --cpus 2 >
And it seems that all worked well. I'm attaching a copy of my log file here for more details snippy4.log
So it seems the problem was my virulent_protein_targets_sorted.bed
It seems to be linked to when bcftools wants to sort and index my vcf file and something in my bed file makes it fail.
I think these warnings might also have something to do with it:
[bcf_ordered_writer.cpp:163 write] Might not be sorted for window size 10000 at current record CP003904:806930 < 1088758 (1098758 [last record] - 10000), please increase window size to at least 291829.
[bcf_ordered_writer.cpp:163 write] Might not be sorted for window size 10000 at current record CP003904:806942 < 1088758 (1098758 [last record] - 10000), please increase window size to at least 291817.
[bcf_ordered_writer.cpp:163 write] Might not be sorted for window size 10000 at current record CP003904:808822 < 1088758 (1098758 [last record] - 10000), please increase window size to at least 289937.
[bcf_ordered_writer.cpp:163 write] Might not be sorted for window size 10000 at current record CP003904:808840 < 1088758 (1098758 [last record] - 10000), please increase window size to at least 289919.
I'm attaching it here, in .txt
Please, I'll be very grateful if someone could help me understand what is wrong with my bed file. virulent_protein_targets_sorted.txt
Thanks a lot in advance for any advice!!!
Dear Silverfoxcome, it's a little too late, but I think that the bed file has to look like this:
Best wishes