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snippy-core --prefix
Hello Tseemann, I ran the script "snippy-core --prefix TB0065_S16_L001 TB0207_S6_L001" and I got the following error. Can you help me?
This is snippy-core 4.5.0 Obtained from Enabling bundled tools. Found any2fasta - /home/litbangkes-papua/anaconda3/envs/my_env/bin/any2fasta Found samtools - /home/litbangkes-papua/anaconda3/envs/my_env/bin/samtools Found minimap2 - /home/litbangkes-papua/anaconda3/envs/my_env/bin/minimap2 Found bedtools - /home/litbangkes-papua/anaconda3/envs/my_env/bin/bedtools Found snp-sites - /home/litbangkes-papua/anaconda3/envs/my_env/bin/snp-sites ERROR: Please provide --ref FASTA/GENBANK
Please try this "snippy-core --ref YOUR REF SEQ FILE.gbk --prefix TB0065_S16_L001 TB0207_S6_L001"
thank you Qingbo11 for your answer, I can solve this problem now. If I want to add an out group during the construction of the phylogenetic tree, how do I do it?
Everyone who knows this better please correct me if I am wrong. My understanding is that the ref seq is used to align all seqs including your out group one. Therefore, maybe you want to try to add the out group one's seq during snippy-core analysis of core snps. It may have no SNPs detected from this out group one, but finally the tree may show this distant one as you need to get there to see what happen. Good luck!
Thank you very much for your help.
Hi, I have different strains file for example E.coli_AB311, E.coli_LE392 ; AG1 and so on. And I want my output file will created according to name of file. If anyone know anything please let me know.
Thank you!