prokka copied to clipboard
Databases not indexed; after indexing they *still* aren't indexed? Or are they missing?
When I run Prokka with:
Prokka scaffolds.fasta
I get this:
[15:34:32] This is prokka 1.14.5
[15:34:32] Written by Torsten Seemann <[email protected]>
[15:34:32] Homepage is
[15:34:32] Local time is Thu Dec 3 15:34:32 2020
[15:34:32] You are ubuntu
[15:34:32] Operating system is linux
[15:34:32] You have BioPerl 1.7.7
Argument "1.7.7" isn't numeric in numeric lt (<) at /usr/bin/prokka line 259.
[15:34:32] System has 4 cores.
[15:34:32] Option --cpu asked for 8 cores, but system only has 4
[15:34:32] Will use maximum of 4 cores.
[15:34:32] Annotating as >>> Bacteria <<<
[15:34:32] The sequence databases have not been indexed. Please run 'prokka --setupdb' first.
I ran Prokka --setupdb and the Prokka --listdb and got:
[15:35:08] Looking for databases in: /var/lib/prokka/db
[15:35:08] * Kingdoms:
[15:35:08] * Genera: Enterococcus Escherichia Staphylococcus
[15:35:08] * HMMs:
[15:35:08] * CMs: Archaea Bacteria Viruses
Running Prokka scaffolds.fasta just gives me the same error (databases not indexed).
What am I doing wrong?
I commented out the code that does the database check (lines 324-328) and ran Prokka again; it seems that the databases really aren't set up - I got this on my next run attempt:
14:00:06] Running: cat PROKKA_12042020\/PROKKA_12042020\.sprot\.tmp\.146140\.faa | parallel --gnu --plain -j 8 --block 110403 --recstart '>' --pipe blastp -query - -db /var/lib/prokka/db/kingdom/Bacteria/sprot -evalue 1e-09 -qcov_hsp_perc 80 -num_threads 1 -num_descriptions 1 -num_alignments 1 -seg no > PROKKA_12042020\/PROKKA_12042020\.sprot\.tmp\.146140\.blast 2> /dev/null
[14:00:06] Could not run command: cat PROKKA_12042020\/PROKKA_12042020\.sprot\.tmp\.146140\.faa | parallel --gnu --plain -j 8 --block 110403 --recstart '>' --pipe blastp -query - -db /var/lib/prokka/db/kingdom/Bacteria/sprot -evalue 1e-09 -qcov_hsp_perc 80 -num_threads 1 -num_descriptions 1 -num_alignments 1 -seg no > PROKKA_12042020\/PROKKA_12042020\.sprot\.tmp\.146140\.blast 2> /dev/null
How did you install prokka? From your second output, it appears that none of the 'kingdoms' or 'HMM' databases were set up, despite 'Genera' and 'CMs' databases being set up. A bit odd.
Here's what I see in the docker container for prokka that I use:
$ prokka --listdb
[15:05:09] Looking for databases in: /prokka-1.14.5/db
[15:05:09] * Kingdoms: Archaea Bacteria Mitochondria Viruses
[15:05:09] * Genera: Enterococcus Escherichia Staphylococcus
[15:05:09] * HMMs: HAMAP
[15:05:09] * CMs: Archaea Bacteria Viruses
Perhaps try prokka --cleandb
and then prokka --setupdb --dbdir /var/lib/prokka/db
to give it the specific location of the databases. It might have just been a blip when setting up the databases.
I have the same exact problem as @wolfgangrumpf
I installed prokka on ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS via apt-get install prokka
I tried the commands given by @kapsakcj , i.e.
prokka --cleandb
prokka --setupdb --dbdir /var/lib/prokka/db
prokka --dbdir /var/lib/prokka/db genome.fa
but the error remained.
I think @mr-c is the one of the maintainers for the prokka apt package (apologies for tagging you if not)? He may be able to assist @mmp3 and @wolfgangrumpf if that's also how they installed. This changelog indicates that the current prokka apt package for Ubuntu 20 is unstable.
You may get set up quicker if you pursue a different route of install via (bio)conda, brew, docker, install from source, etc.
I just installed via the method outlined in the README file for ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libdatetime-perl libxml-simple-perl libdigest-md5-perl git default-jre bioperl
sudo cpan Bio::Perl
git clone $HOME/prokka
$HOME/prokka/bin/prokka --setupdb
but the problem remains.
Note: I indeed uninstalled the version from the apt
package manager and called the version of prokka cloned from the git repository explicity:
$HOME/prokka/bin/prokka --setupdb
$HOME/prokka/bin/prokka genome.fa
and I got the same error.
Hello everyone, please use reportbug
when you have an issued with a Debian/Ubuntu package as it gathers the requisite information and routes it to the right volunteers.
This changelog indicates that the current prokka apt package for Ubuntu 20 is unstable.
FYI: 'unstable' is the name of the Debian development distribution. If there is no change needed, then this changelog entry is copied as the package moves to Debian's testing and stable distributions; likewise with Ubuntu and other Debian derivaties
Thanks for chiming in, Michael. And thank you for the info and context on what 'unstable' means! Much appreciated.
Thank you, @mr-c .
Please note thouh, @kapsakcj , that the error persists even with the version of prokka
from github, as demonstrated above.
@mmp3 I recommend using conda, brew, or docker/singularity instead of installing from source + apt. Could you try one of those routes?
@wolfgangrumpf Hey I ran into the same issue. Tried all of the above, but it didn't work.
What worked thou, was copying the DB files from $HOME/prokka/db folder to /var/lib/prokka/db
Still don't know why it stopped working in the first place. I annotated genomes with PROKKA a couple of months before without any issues.
This works!
@wolfgangrumpf Hey I ran into the same issue. Tried all of the above, but it didn't work. What worked thou, was copying the DB files from $HOME/prokka/db folder to /var/lib/prokka/db Still don't know why it stopped working in the first place. I annotated genomes with PROKKA a couple of months before without any issues.
please change your directory where you placed your genome fasta files