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SpinW Matlab library for spin wave calculation

Results 21 spinw issues
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- Fixed functions not present in Matlab version < R2017a - Fixed so that all tutorials run - Fixed some aspects of symbolic calculation

The function `sw_instrument` has [code](https://github.com/SpinW/spinw/blob/master/swfiles/sw_instrument.m#L283-L290) which computes the kinematic limits of the detectors. Unfortunately it assumes that the detectors span the range of scatterings `[thetaMin, 180-thetaMin]` and allows only a...

@tsdev Hi, Dr. Toth I am trying to use the 'type' option to add biquadratic exahange in my model (bcc lattice) : `LaSrCrO4.addcoupling('mat','Biq','bond',` 4, 'type', `'biquadratic');` I assume this add...

Hi, I've emailed about this several times. In the manual, it says that the dispersions provided by Hermit = 0/false are wrong. Setting hermit = 0 is the only way...

There seems to be problems sometimes when plotting octahedra. I have a fairly complicated example with 40 atoms in the unit cell (the space group I've used is P 21/n...

Hello, I am trying to write a function that can allow me to visualize each magnon branches, such as the flatband mode in a kagome ferromagnets. My plan is to...

I have been figuring out how to use this program over the past couple of days. I can't get the 'addcoupling' function to work for my system in pyspinw 3.0.0....

{system: MacOS Sierra 10.12.6} Hi Sandor After installing pyspinw and trying your sample script I get the following: ``` Last login: Fri Aug 11 11:31:29 on ttys000 [rosss-imac:~] rossstewart% python3...


{mac OS 10.12.6, pyspinw} Hi I can see structures within spinw objects ok. For example: ``` from transplant import Matlab from transplant import MatlabStruct m=Matlab('/Applications/pyspinw.app/pyspinw.sh') gto=m.spinw() Flist = MatlabStruct(gto.mag_str)['F'] ```...

help wanted

Hi, I hope this is the appropriate place to ask questions about SpinW, please refer me to the appropriate venue if not! Has SpinW been tested with [Octave](https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/)? Are there...
