gh-pages copied to clipboard
Github Pages Error Message
I have a githab repository and project Page as github pages. In the project directory that I use the github repository created has git push, git pull, git build and git deploy without problems. The site can be found at call. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make the page using call. In the settings, it is explicitly pointed out, That it is not possible to call custom subdomains with https.
I have on another computer the repository via git clone downloaded. Git pull, git push, git build works perfectly.
I onlye hae git version This can be the reason for this error. But it is not possible to update git.
I suspect that the cause is the subdomain. How do I solve the problem? With git deploy I get the following error message:
deploy /home/jklein/Projekte/test
> gh-pages -d styleguide
GH-PAGES 3991: Cloning into node_modules/gh-pages/.cache/aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2t3cHNlL3N0eWxlZ3VpZGUuZ2l0
GH-PAGES 3991: Cleaning
GH-PAGES 3991: Fetching origin
GH-PAGES 3991: Checking out origin/gh-pages
fatal: attempt to fetch/clone from a shallow repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Here the message from the first Repo
[email protected] deploy /home/jklein/Projekte/kwpse-styleguide
> gh-pages -d styleguide
GH-PAGES 4042: Cloning into node_modules/gh-pages/.cache/aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2t3cHNlL3N0eWxlZ3VpZGUuZ2l0
GH-PAGES 4042: Cleaning
GH-PAGES 4042: Fetching origin
GH-PAGES 4042: Checking out origin/gh-pages
GH-PAGES 4042: Removing files
GH-PAGES 4042: Copying files
GH-PAGES 4042: Adding all
GH-PAGES 4042: Committing
GH-PAGES 4042: Pushing
I got an answer from the git team.
If it only happens in your script, make sure that the script runs from a user that has access to your GitHub credentials.
I have same issue!
you should enable github page feature on github project settings
I experienced the same issue. The most confusing thing, that on Mac it works perfectly, but on Linux, where we run CI/CD it failed.
The problem that by default gh-pages clones the repo with --depth=1. That makes the repository shallow and it's impossible to push changes from there. If you will check your folder
The simplest way which I found to fix that issue is to specify --depth=0.
Example how i do it in my gulp configuration:
gulp.task('gh-publish', (cb) => ghPages.publish(
${paths.ghPagesDir}, {depth: 0, dotfiles: true}, cb));