dom-to-image copied to clipboard
Recently getting errors while reading the cssRules
Use case: description, code
I have been using domtoimage.toPng in my script, and recently I am seeing the following error message.
Error while reading CSS rules from chrome-extension://pioclpoplcdbaefihamjohnefbikjilc/content.css SecurityError: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules
A quick search gives me that: TL;DR: As of Chrome 64 you'll need to use a local development server to test functionality that depends on the CSS Object Model.
I am not sure if this is a bug due to this recent change, or mine. Any ideas?
Chrome 65
Have the same error in Chrome 65
@romanegloo did you end up solving this? I'm experiencing the same issue in Chrome 66. Firefox appears to be fine.
I haven't worked to isolate the issue but it seems like it might be happening when there are images present in the DOM to be converted. This is a guess since my same code is working in other places where no images are present.
In case the CSS is loaded via a link tag you can add crossorigin="anonymous" to solve this error in chrome.
Having the same problem in Chrome 67. I did what @MDSLKTR said, but that didn't solve the issue. Works fine on FireFox.
That fix does not work for me either.
@sashatran does the DOM that you're saving include images?
Getting this error in local and prod environments. My DOM has SVG elements.
@simon-lang no images, just a div element.
I'm getting the same error in Chrome 68, both in local and production environments.
I have the same probleme with both chrome and firefox for project with angular 7 that using material design and material icons Error while reading CSS rules from SecurityError: Failed to read the 'cssRules' property from 'CSSStyleSheet': Cannot access rules
crossorigin="anonymous" worked in chrome Version 72.0.3626.109 (Official Build) (64-bit). Thanks @MDSLKTR
@jsanjeev can you please explain the solution a bit.
@zaidITpro you need to add crossorigin="anonymous" to the stylesheet for example
<link href=",900|Open+Sans|Open+Sans+Condensed:700" rel="stylesheet" crossorigin="anonymous">
You can read more on crossorigin here
i try to add crossorigin="anonymous" to the link element, it works fine. Thank you~
was not able remove it in nuxt + vuetify
does the DOM that you're saving include images?
@simon-lang, I am using this package, getting the same error while I have IMG tag in my dom source element. Any ideas to solve this issue?
In case the CSS is loaded via a link tag you can add crossorigin="anonymous" to solve this error in chrome.
This worked for me, thanks.
@MDSLKTR crossorigin="anonymous" solves the issue in chrome. thanks, bud 👍
Any idea for the case of google.maps that loads the styles from the script I can't take the screenshot Help me please