Torsten Sattler
Torsten Sattler
By computing the distance between the position of the point and the position of the camera in the scene.
tx, ty, tz does not give you the position of the camera (see Please note that the pose parameters in the database are not updated after reconstruction. You will...
> Note this is not a loop closure issue, this happens in the middle of the trajectory. I think that it is a loop closure problem. Colmap can add images...
Did you build the database using Colmap's feature_extractor and feature matcher? Or are you using a custom feature type that you import yourself?
Can you verify that the cublas library is installed as part of CUDA? At least according to the error, the library seems to be missing.
You can call the individual stages manually as they can run without an attached display. See for examples.
Does this answer your question: ?
Colmap does not provide a mechanism for this case. You could try to render the point cloud to generate images though. Since you know the poses, you could also use...
The error message you show is related to the `stereo_fusion` approach, which is run after the mapper. You should not see this error message when you run feature extraction, matching,...
The `poisson_mesher` can take quite some time to finish, especially for large input point clouds and deep levels (large values of the depth parameter). Based on your description, it does...