kdocker-web copied to clipboard
questions about terminal console
how to paste from clipboard into terminal console?
how to scroll up in terminal console
out of curiousity: how come your solution is so lightweight, and yet offers the same functionality as shipyard (who needs about 1 gb of space!)
- no way now...>"< welcome for patch before i get a solution
- i consider you want to see full log of the container. try to press [SHIFT] and click "Attach" button
- i use html5 for building webapp, problems in shipyard not only the large size, but the agent that make me unhappy, so what i can do is rewrite by myself...^_^
thanks for yor quick answer.
- that's a pity
- no, I mean scrolling, like using your mouse or PageUp button to see more of the latest command output in terminal, is that possible?
- yes indeed. I find your solution much better: more elegant and lightweigt. but if you do a search on the web it is difficult to find your application, it is only shipyard and dockerUI that shows up. It is a pity that your application is not well known.
- scrolling? i use middle button of mouse in windows chrome, shift + pageup in windows chrome, two fingers in macbook air chrome, fn + shift + pageup in macbook air chrome, it works! what's your environment?
- thanks, i don't know how to make it popular, do you have any suggestion?
- i try another component for terminal, paste function (ctrl+v or shift+insert) works in windows chrome, i'm not sure it works in other situation. try new version v0.1.13-3
Hey Thanks, I will try it out.
Yes, I have some suggestions:
if I search for edocker web" in github, your page does not come up because it is named "kdocker-web", I suggest to rename it in "docker-web" because it will be easier to find.
it makes sense to publish a blog for every update with good explanation of new features and a lot of screenshots of your application, you can then have this blog published in the docker weekly newsletter:
3)there is a weekly docker newsletter sent out from the docker team, with all new articles or docker applications for that week. If you have any feedback, or ideas for future newsletters please send them to @Docker (twitter). So every time you update your application you can send them a tweet.
- ask people for feedback about your applications (feature requests, UI enhancements, pull requests, tips) etc. to help make your app even better ;)