BLEUnlock copied to clipboard
有没有办法 可以选择固定的某个设备
如题, 请问有办法选择记录某个设备吗
比如我选定了我的手机 断开后 在连接 就没有了 感觉这个是一次性的 所以 请问 有办法设定为 定向的设备
如果有, 希望可以指点一下我
Perhaps your phone's MAC address is not properly recognized by BLEUnlock.
For other devices, including Android, the way to resolve the address is unknown. If your non-Apple device changes its MAC address over time, unfortunately BLEUnlock can't support it. To check if the MAC address is resolved correctly, compare the MAC address displayed in the Device scan list of BLEUnlock with the one that is displayed on your device.