FIFA-Ultimate-Team-Toolkit copied to clipboard
Is this still working?
I am having problems with login.
Everytime i try, i get this exception: "Two Factor Code MUST be 6 digits long WebApp."
Can someone help?
Did you received the EA code and typed in?
No, can you help me?
did you try the solution from #401 for me it worked.
Yeah, my method is like this:
protected async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SetTwoFactorTypeAsync(HttpResponseMessage mainPageResponseMessage) { var loginResponseMessage = new HttpResponseMessage(); var contentData = string.Empty;
if (_authType == AuthenticationType.Email)
loginResponseMessage = await HttpClient.PostAsync(mainPageResponseMessage.RequestMessage.RequestUri, new FormUrlEncodedContent(
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("codeType", "EMAIL"),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("_eventId", "submit"),
loginResponseMessage = await HttpClient.PostAsync(mainPageResponseMessage.RequestMessage.RequestUri, new FormUrlEncodedContent(
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("_eventId", "submit"),
new KeyValuePair<string, string>("codeType", "EMAIL"),
// new KeyValuePair<string, string>("codeType", "APP"),
return loginResponseMessage;
but still didnt work properly =/
Ok, its working now.. but i get this error atm
Could not find member 'onlineAccess' on object of type 'Persona'. Path 'userAccountInfo.personas[0].onlineAccess', line 1, position 115
do you know how to fix it?