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[EVM] Trust Chrome plugin Sign message error.
Describe the bug
Sign raw hex string error, Trust Chrome plugin not decode the message as hex.
To Reproduce
- Connect Trust Chrome plugin.
- sign a raw hex message, such as
await ethereum.request({ method: 'personal_sign', params: ['0xef118d6e46e33a629ee4f53daf4d8d8dc40ce247a3350d74e13fefcf18fa989b', "0x987c798454a752CA2aEfBdec5bB7999f878Fb504"]})
- demo code:
import { ethers } from 'ethers';
(async () => {
// test account
const mnemonic = 'ribbon awesome cushion sort rack ugly rule valley joke true demand annual';
const wallet = ethers.Wallet.fromMnemonic(mnemonic);
const message = '0xef118d6e46e33a629ee4f53daf4d8d8dc40ce247a3350d74e13fefcf18fa989b';
// Wrong, same result as the trust chrome plugin.
const wrongSignature = await wallet.signMessage(message);
// Correct
const correctSignature = await wallet.signMessage(Buffer.from(message.slice(2), 'hex'));
Expected behavior
When receive the personal_sign
params, if the message is raw hex string, wallet need decode the message as hex, and then hash the message follow eip-191.