beat-exporter copied to clipboard
Beat exporter setup doesn't work
I wanted to export filebeat metrics via beat exporter.
filebeat has a conf that exposes the metrics
beat exporter's documentation also tells me to do the same
Filebeat and beat-exporter are running on the same host in the same docker bridge network
Out of the box this config doesn't work. To make it work I had to change
enabled: true
host: localhost
port: 5066
enabled: true
port: 5066
Why localhost config doesn't work : If the process inside the container is bound to localhost, localhost uses a special loopback interface that is distinct from regular networking. I am able to access the service from within the container (host) but you won't be able to route its traffic externally
In doing so I make the setup work for filebeat and beat-exporter, but cause issues between logstash and filebeat.(filebeat and logstash running on different server) filebeat logs
2020-06-23T10:50:06.823+0200 ERROR logstash/async.go:256 Failed to publish events caused by: read tcp X.X.X.X:40590->X.X.X.X:5050: read: connection reset by peer
2020-06-23T10:50:06.894+0200 ERROR logstash/async.go:256 Failed to publish events caused by: client is not connected 2020-06-23T10:50:08.708+0200 ERROR pipeline/output.go:121 Failed to publish events: client is not connected
[24th June 2020 14:36 PM] Noticed something : As soon as I stop beat exporter and restart the filebeat instance, the above mentioned error do not appear and filebeat/logstash work as expected
So the setup has a container of filebeat and beat-exporter running on application-server and logstash running on a my log-server With the below config in filebeat. filebeat and logstash work (so i will rule out the possibility that doesn't work )
enabled: true
port: 5066
Now when i start beat-exporter, I start to see the above errors (not sure what could cause it) But even after stopping beat-exporter the above errors persist and it only gets resolved once i restart filebeat Regards Ashish
I would say this is a networking setup/issue. There is a lot of different ways of how people can run beat-exporter (sidecars, deamon set, and etc.) In a nutshell beat-exporter is just proxy, converting filebeat JSON response to Prometheus format. Just to be clear, the readme is just readme on what options are available, actual values you need to set depends on the way you run it.
So in general make sure your filebeat->logstash part is working correctly, then enable stats endpoint in filebeat, point beat-exporter to that stats endpoint
I faced the same problem. When I run beat-exporter as a sidecar it looks good, I can get metrics through /metrics endpoint, but my filebeat starts logging the same errors as @ashishvaishno mentioned above:
2020-11-04T14:42:12.652Z ERROR logstash/sync.go:155 Failed to publish events caused by: read tcp #pod-ip#:36758->#logtsash-ip#:5044: read: connection reset by peer
As soos as I remove beat-exporter from k8s deployment filebeat starts working correctly.
To be sure I created a simple application that scrapes filebeat stats and exposes prometheus metrics (dummy version of your library) and added it as a sidecar to k8s deployment. Nothing changed in filebeat logs.
On the other hand I deployed it in my local cluster and everything worked good 😕.
No idea what is the problem.