tap icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
tap copied to clipboard

setup.py is seriously flawed

Open stefaanbolle opened this issue 4 years ago • 1 comments

setup.py is seriously flawed, at least when running on Raspberry Pi. Corrected the errors in a way that is is working for me.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# quick script for installing tap
import subprocess,re,os,shutil,sys
import base64
from src.core.tapcore import ssh_keygen
from src.core.tapcore import motd
from src.core.tapcore import set_background
import getpass
import sys
    import pexpect
except ImportError:
    subprocess.Popen("apt-get -y install python-pexpect", shell=True).wait()
        import pexpect
    except ImportError:
        print("Install python-pexpect first, then re-run setup.")

print("[*] Installing some base modules requested...")
subprocess.Popen("apt-get -y install nfs-common tree htop tshark smbclient", shell=True).wait()

# add customized metasploit banner
if os.path.isdir("/root/.msf4/"): 
    print("[*] Metasploit installed, installing custom banner and timestamp to /root/.msf4/config")
    filewrite = open("/root/.msf4/config", "w")
    filewrite.write("[framework/core]\nSessionLogging=true\nLogLevel=5\nTimestampOutput=true\nPromptTimeFormat=%I:%H:%S\nConsoleLogging=true\nprompt=%grn[%grn%T] %grnTrustedSec %whiMSF%whi (s:%grn%S %whij:%grn%J%whi)\nload sounds\n[framework/ui/console]")

def kill_tap():
    proc = subprocess.Popen("ps -au | grep tap", stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    for line in proc.stdout:
            match = re.search("tap.py", line)
            if match:
                print("[*] Killing running version of TAP..")
                line = line.split(" ")
                pid = line[6]
                subprocess.Popen("kill %s" % (pid), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                print("[*] Killed the TAP process: " + pid)

        except: pass

            # kill the heartbeat health check
            match = re.search("heartbeat.py", line)
            if match:
                print("[*] Killing running version of TAP HEARTBEAT..")
                line = line.split(" ")
                pid = line[6]
                subprocess.Popen("kill %s" % (pid), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).wait()
                print("[*] Killed the Heartbeat TAP process: " + pid)
        except: pass

# here we encrypt via aes, will return encrypted string based on secret key which is random
def encryptAES(data):
    # the character used for padding--with a block cipher such as AES, the value
    # you encrypt must be a multiple of BLOCK_SIZE in length.  This character is
    # used to ensure that your value is always a multiple of BLOCK_SIZE
    PADDING = '{'
    BLOCK_SIZE = 32
    # one-liner to sufficiently pad the text to be encrypted
    pad = lambda s: s + (BLOCK_SIZE - len(s) % BLOCK_SIZE) * PADDING
    # random value here to randomize builds
    a = 50 * 5
    # one-liners to encrypt/encode and decrypt/decode a string
    # encrypt with AES, encode with base64
    EncodeAES = lambda c, s: base64.b64encode(c.encrypt(pad(s)))
    DecodeAES = lambda c, e: c.decrypt(base64.b64decode(e)).rstrip(PADDING)
    secret = os.urandom(BLOCK_SIZE)
    cipher = AES.new(secret)
    secret = base64.b64encode(secret)
    aes = EncodeAES(cipher, data)
    return aes.decode("utf-8") + "::::" + secret.decode("utf-8")

print (r"""
T:::::::::::::::::::::T        A:::A              P::::::::::::::::P  
T:::::::::::::::::::::T       A:::::A             P::::::PPPPPP:::::P 
T:::::TT:::::::TT:::::T      A:::::::A            PP:::::P     P:::::P
TTTTTT  T:::::T  TTTTTT     A:::::::::A             P::::P     P:::::P
        T:::::T            A:::::A:::::A            P::::P     P:::::P
        T:::::T           A:::::A A:::::A           P::::PPPPPP:::::P 
        T:::::T          A:::::A   A:::::A          P:::::::::::::PP  
        T:::::T         A:::::A     A:::::A         P::::PPPPPPPPP    
        T:::::T        A:::::AAAAAAAAA:::::A        P::::P            
        T:::::T       A:::::::::::::::::::::A       P::::P            
        T:::::T      A:::::AAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::A      P::::P            
      TT:::::::TT   A:::::A             A:::::A   PP::::::PP          
      T:::::::::T  A:::::A               A:::::A  P::::::::P          
      T:::::::::T A:::::A                 A:::::A P::::::::P          
      TTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAA                   AAAAAAAPPPPPPPPPP          
        The TrustedSec Attack Platform
        Written by: Dave Kennedy (@HackingDave)


       The self contained-deployable penetration testing kit

Welcome to the TAP installer. TAP is a remote connection setup tool that will install a remote
pentest platform for you and automatically reverse SSH out back to home.

if os.path.isfile("/etc/init.d/tap"):
    answer = input("TAP detected. Do you want to uninstall [y/n:] ")
    if answer.lower() == "yes" or answer.lower() == "y":
        answer = "uninstall"

if not os.path.isfile("/etc/init.d/tap"):
    answer = input("Do you want to start the installation of TAP: [y/n]: ")

# if they said yes
if answer.lower() == "y" or answer.lower() == "yes":
        print("[*] Checking to see if TAP is currently running...")

        # kill running processes

        print("[*] Beginning installation. This should only take a moment.")
        # if directories aren't there then create them
        if not os.path.isdir("/usr/share/tap"):

        # install to rc.local
        print("[*] Adding TAP into startup through init scripts..")
        if os.path.isdir("/etc/init.d"):
            # remove old startup
            if os.path.isfile("/etc/init.d/tap"): os.remove("/etc/init.d/tap")

            # startup script here
            fileopen = open("src/core/startup_tap", "r")
            config = fileopen.read()
            filewrite = open("/etc/init.d/tap", "w")
            print("[*] Triggering update-rc.d on TAP to automatic start...")
            subprocess.Popen("chmod +x /etc/init.d/tap", shell=True).wait()
            subprocess.Popen("update-rc.d tap defaults", shell=True).wait()

        # setting background
        #print("[*] Setting background..")
        # install git and update everything
        print("[*] Updating everything beforehand...")
        subprocess.Popen("apt-get update && apt-get --force-yes -y upgrade && apt-get --force-yes -y dist-upgrade", shell=True).wait()
        subprocess.Popen("apt-get --force-yes -y install git python-crypto python-pexpect openssh-server net-tools", shell=True).wait()
        from Crypto.Cipher import AES
        choice = input("Do you want to keep TAP updated? (requires internet) [y/n]: ")
        if choice == "y" or choice == "yes":
            print("[*] Checking out latest TAP to /usr/share/tap")
            # if old files are there
            if os.path.isdir("/usr/share/tap/"):
            if not os.path.isdir("/usr/share/tap"):
            subprocess.Popen("cd /usr/share/;git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/tap tap/", shell=True).wait()
            print("[*] Finished. If you want to update tap go to /usr/share/tap and type 'git pull'")
            print("[*] Copying setup files over...")
            if os.path.isdir("/usr/share/tap/"):
            if not os.path.isdir("/usr/share/tap"):
            subprocess.Popen("cp -rf * /usr/share/tap/", shell=True).wait()

        print("[*] Next we need to configure the remote SSH server you will want to tunnel over.")
        print("[*] This is the main remote SSH server you have running on the Internet that TAP will call back to.")
        print("\nWe need to figure out which method you want to use. The first method will use SSH keys\nfor authentication (preferred). This will generate a pub/priv key pair on your machine\nand automatically upload the key to the remote server. When that happens, a password\nwill not be needed then. The second method will use an actual password for authentication\non the remote server. The password is encrypted with AES but not in a secure format (decryption keys are stored locally, need to be).\n\n")
        choice1 = input("Choice 1: Use SSH keys, Choice 2: Use password (1,2)[1]: ")
        password = ""
        if choice1 == "1" or choice1 == "":
            choice1 = "ssh_keys"
            choice1 = "password"

        # generate ssh_key gen from setcore
        if choice1 == "ssh_keys":
            print("[*] SSH Key generation was selected, we will begin the process now.")
            #password = getpass.getpass("Enter the passphrase for your new SSH key: ")
            password = ""

        # if we are just using straight passwords
        if choice1 == "password":
            print("[*] This will ask for a username on the REMOTE system (root not recommended)")
            print("The username and password being requested would be the username and password needed to log into the REMOTE system that you have exposed on the Internet for the reverse SSH connection. For example, the TAP box needs to connect OUTBOUND to a box on the Internet - this would be the username and password for that system. ROOT access is NOT needed. This is a simple SSH tunnel. Recommend restricted account in case this box gets taken and has creds on it. Better preference is to use SSH keys.")
            username = input("Enter username for ssh [root]: ")
            if username == "": 
                username = "root"
                password = getpass.getpass("Enter password for %s: " % (username))
        if password != "":
            print("[*] Encrypting the password now..")
            password = encryptAES(password) 
            store = password.split("::::")
            password = store[0]
            key = store[1]

            # if the key directory isnt created, do it real quick
            if not os.path.isdir("/root/.tap"):
            filewrite = open("/root/.tap/store", "w")

        print("[!] Warning when specifying hostname - this implies that the remote TAP device will have DNS - otherwise this will fail.")
        host = input("Enter the remote IP or hostname for SSH connect (remote external server): ")
        port = input("Enter the PORT to the reverse SSH connect (remote external SSH port)[22]: ")
        if port == "": port = "22"
        print("[*] This next option will be the LOCAL port on the EXTERNAL box you will need to SSH into when TAP calls back. For example, when the SSH connection is sent from the TAP device to the box on the Internet, a local port is created on the remote box, so if you wanted to get into the tap, you would first SSH into the remote box, then ssh username@localhost -p <port you specify below>.")
        localport = input("Enter the LOCAL port that will be on the remote SSH box [10003]: ")
        socks = input("Enter the LOCAL port that will be used for the SOCKS HTTP proxy [10004]: ")
        if localport == "": localport = "10003"
        if socks == "": socks = "10004"
        if AUTO_UPDATE == "ON":
            print("[*] The update server is a path to pull NEW versions of the TAP device. Using git isn't recommended if you customize your builds for your TAP devices. By default this will pull from git pull https://github.com/trustedsec/tap - recommended you change this.")
            print("[*] For this field - you want to put every command you would run if you aren't using git, for example - wget https://yourcompany.com/tap.tar.gz;tar -zxvf tap.tar.gz")
            updates = input("Enter the commands for your update server [trustedsec (default)]: ")
            if updates == "": updates = "git pull"
            commands = input("Enter URL to text file of commands (ex. https://yourwebsite.com/commands.txt): ")
            if commands == "": print("[!] No update server detected, will leave this blank.")
            updates = ""
            print("""The next option allows you to specify a URL to execute commands.\nThis is used if you mess up and don't have reverse SSH access. Place a file in this location and TAP will execute the commands.""")
            commands = input("Enter URL to text file of commands (ex. https://yourwebsite.com/commands.txt): ")
            if commands == "": print("[!] No update server detected, will leave this blank.")
            print("[*] Creating the config file.")

        # determine if SSH keys are in use 
        if choice1 == "ssh_keys":
            ssh_keys = "ON"
            print("[*] We need to upload the public key to the remote server, enter the password for the remote server (once) to upload when prompted.")
            # clearing known hosts
            if os.path.isfile("/root/.ssh/known_hosts"):
                print("[!] Removing old known_hosts files..")                    

            # pull public key into memory

            fileopen = open("/root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub", "r")
            pub = fileopen.read()
            # spawn pexpect to add key
            print("[*] Spawning SSH connection and modifying authorized hosts.")
            print("[*] Below will ask for a username and password, this is for the REMOTE server exposed on the Internet. This is a one time thing where the TAP device will upload and add the SSH keys to the remote system in order to handle SSH authentication. This is the PW for your external server on the Internet.")
            username = input("Enter the username for the REMOTE account to log into the EXTERNAL server: ")
            if username == "": username = "root"
            child = pexpect.spawn("ssh %s@%s -p %s" % (username,host,port))
            password_onetime = getpass.getpass("Enter your password for the remote SSH server: ")
            i = child.expect(['The authenticity of host', 'password', 'Connection refused'])
            if i == 0:

            if i == 1:

            if i ==2:
                print ("Cannot connect to server - connection refused. Please check the port and try again.")

            # here we need to verify that we actually log in with the right password
            i = child.expect(['Permission denied, please try again.', 'Last login:'])
            if i == 0:
                print("[!] ERROR!!!! You typed in the wrong password.")
                password_onetime = getpass.getpass("Lets try this again. Enter your SSH password: ")
                # second time fat fingering, no dice bro
                i = child.expect(['Permission denied, please try again.'])
                if i == 0:
                    print("[!] Sorry boss, still denied. Figure out the password and run setup again.")
                    print("[!] Exiting TAP setup...")
                    # exit TAP here
                # successfully logged in
                    print("[*] Successfully logged into the system, good to go from here!")

            if i == 1:
                print("[*] Successfully logged into the system, good to go from here!")

            # next we grab the hostname so we can enter it in the authorized keys for a description
            fileopen = open("/etc/hostname", "r")
            hostname = fileopen.read()
            # add a space
            child.sendline("echo '' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys")
            # comment code for authorized list
            child.sendline("echo '# TAP box for hostname: %s' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" % (hostname))
            # actual ssh key
            child.sendline("echo '%s' >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" % (pub))
            print("[*] Key for %s added to the external box: %s" % (hostname, host))
            ssh_keys ="OFF"

        # do you want to log everything
        print("TAP has the ability to log every command used via SSH. This is useful for customers who want log files of the pentest. All logs are saved in /var/log/messages")
        log_everything = input("Do you want to log everything? yes or no [yes] ")
        if log_everything == "": log_everything = "yes"
        log_everything = log_everything.upper()

        # write out the config file
        filewrite = open("/usr/share/tap/config", "w")
        filewrite.write("# tap config options\n\n")
        filewrite.write("# The username for the ssh connection\nUSERNAME=%s\n# The password for the reverse ssh connection\nPASSWORD=%s\n# The reverse ssh ipaddr or hostname\nIPADDR=%s\n# The port for the reverse connect\nPORT=%s\n" % (username, password,host,port))
        filewrite.write("# SSH check is in seconds\nSSH_CHECK_INTERVAL=60\n")
        filewrite.write("# The local SSH port on the reverse SSH host\nLOCAL_PORT=%s\n" % (localport))
        filewrite.write("# Where to pull updates from\nUPDATE_SERVER=%s\n" % (updates))
        filewrite.write("# URL for command updates - ENSURE THAT THE FIRST LINE OF TEXT FILE HAS: 'EXECUTE COMMANDS' or it will not execute anything!\nCOMMAND_UPDATES=%s\n" % (commands))
        filewrite.write("# SPECIFY IF SSH KEYS ARE IN USE OR NOT\nSSH_KEYS=%s\n" % (ssh_keys))
        filewrite.write("# LOG EVERY COMMAND VIA SSH? YES OR NO - ALL LOGS GO TO /var/log/messages\nLOG_EVERYTHING=%s\n" % (log_everything))

        # set the background
        # background()
        # update motd
        client = input("What customer are you deploying this to: ")

        # configuring permissions
        subprocess.Popen("chmod +x /usr/share/tap/tap.py;chmod +x /usr/share/tap/src/core/heartbeat.py", shell=True).wait()

        # ensure proxychains is installed
        print("[*] Installing proxychains-ng for SOCKS5 proxy support.")
        subprocess.Popen("git clone https://github.com/rofl0r/proxychains-ng proxy;cd proxy;./configure && make && make install;cd ..;rm -rf proxy", shell=True).wait()

        # enable root login
        print("[*] Enabling SSH-Server and allow remote root login.. Please ensure and test this ahead of time.")
        data = open("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", "r").read()
        filewrite = open("/etc/ssh/sshd_config", "w")
        data = data.replace("PermitRootLogin without-password", "PermitRootLogin yes")
        print("[*] Restarting the SSH service after changes.")
        subprocess.Popen("service ssh restart", shell=True).wait()
        print("[*] Installation complete. Edit /usr/share/tap/config in order to config tap to your liking..")
        print("[*] Pulling the PenTesters Framework - when installation finishes go to /pentest/ptf, ./ptf, and install all (use modules/install_update_all")
        if not os.path.isdir("/pentest/"): os.makedirs("/pentest")
        if not os.path.isdir("/pentest/ptf"):
            subprocess.Popen("cd /pentest;git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/ptf ptf", shell=True).wait()
        # start TAP, yes or no?
        choice = input("Would you like to start TAP now? [y/n]: ")
        if choice == "yes" or choice == "y":
            subprocess.Popen("/etc/init.d/tap start", shell=True).wait()

        print("[*] All finished, now run the following command to install all of your tools: ")
        ptf = input("[-] Do you want to install all PTF modules now? [yes][no]: ")
        if ptf == "yes" or ptf == "y":
            print("[*] Installing PTF modules/install_update_all...")
            child = pexpect.spawn("python ptf")
            child.sendline("use modules/install_update_all")
            print("[*] cd /pentest/ptf, ./ptf, use modules/install_update_all")

# uninstall tap
if answer == "uninstall":
    subprocess.Popen("rm -rf /usr/share/tap", shell=True)
    subprocess.Popen("rm -rf /etc/init.d/tap", shell=True)
    print("[*] Checking to see if tap is currently running...")
    print("[*] TAP has been uninstalled. Manually kill the process if it is still running.")

stefaanbolle avatar Dec 04 '20 14:12 stefaanbolle

If you don't select the "choice = input("Do you want to keep TAP updated? (requires internet) [y/n]: ")" as "no", it passes.

Patrick-Kelley avatar Mar 08 '21 16:03 Patrick-Kelley