example-react copied to clipboard
Project example react + node js for beginer!
Mern Stack.
Learning concept ReactJS framework development by Facebook.
Learning ecosystem for ReactJS, example : react-router-dom, redux, Chakra UI.
Implement project example with CRA.
Build project and implement with SPA or SSR.
Deploy source to hosting.
Authentication :
- Sign in.
- Sign up.
- Auto remember login.
- Forgot password.
- Send email forgot password.
- Verity OTP via email.
- Update user information, change password.
Loading all in.
CRUD todo example.
UI profile and more...etc.
Build static SSR.
Search friend
<coming soon>
Request add friend
<coming soon>
Chat realtime (chat one to one, group chat, ...)
<coming soon>
Invite group chat
<coming soon>
Tutorial detail deployment fullstack app
<coming soon>
We are using template Create React App.
Note :
- Node version have Node >= 10 on your local development machine. You have download Node JS or update with command : npm update.
- Using IDE Visual Studio Code or WebStorm All you need left is to know a little bit of Javascript .
Docs & Started
- Docs for concept React JS.
- What is JSX ?
- How rendering with React ?
- How to create Component React and Props ?
- React State ? LifeCycle ?
- How to handle event React JS ?
- Condition Rendering ?
- Lists and Keys?
- Difference between Class Component and Functional Components. ( Link docs | Link dev )
- State management with redux
- Middleware for client redux saga
Running the app
We are split two folder: client and server
Run only client
# development
$ npm run start | yarn start
# build mode
$ npm run build | yarn build
Run only server
# development
$ npm run start:dev | yarn start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod | yarn start:prod
Run script in root folder
cd {root project}.
- open .env file, set IS_SSR=true
*IS_SSR enable public folder build from client*
# bash script
$ ./ssr.sh
Deployment FE:
Vercel allows for automatic deployment on every branch push and merges onto the production branch.
- Login Vercel
- Click button new project => import repository from github.
- When choose repository, you will see form config, then change root-directory ( ./client )
- Set ENV in step Environment Variables ( copy and paste all env inside env file ), attention with REACT_APP_BASE_URL, it should be set server link build production.
- Wait vercel build and done.
Deployment BE
- Login Heroku
- On dashboard, create new app {name_repo}.
- Have two ways:
Heroku CLI:
- install heroku cli
npm install -g heroku
- check version heroku
heroku --version
- login heroku
heroku login
- create a new Git repository
cd my-project/ git init heroku git:remote -a {name_repo}
- deploy your application
git add . git commit -am "make it better" git push heroku master
- if existing Git repository
heroku git:remote -a testing-be-server
- install heroku cli
Github connection:
- Coming soon!