@bugstacks you can use the command "idevicediagnostics mobilegestalt SysCfg" to get the data, then decode the data via base64.
Hi @tausift0 , Do you have any solutions for this ?
Hi @Dantee296 , I send you the email but you still do not reply ! If you can public this code, please reply my email.
@Nutr1t07 @a-gunter Can we set ForceNoBuddy = true to skip setup assistant now?
3uTools can do this, but it not support check screen serial number (Display).
I have the same issue. @Exploite-d How does fix it ?
Me too. @nikias do you have any ideas?
@a-gunter @ashishgah Do you have any update?
@doronz88 I try all the iPhone X and above, it's OK.
Hi @MrBenFTW , do you need this now ?