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MsCoreOne is a simple Ecommerce with using many technologies such as .NET 5, Entity Framework Core 5, React 16.13 with modern Clean Architecture, Domain-Driven Design, CQRS, SOLID, Identity Server 4,...

MsCoreOne - Simple Ecommerce

This is a simple ecommerce to practice technologies.

Build Status

Build server Platform Status
Travis Linux / MacOS Build Status
Azure DevOps Linux Build Status

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The technologies have implemented as image above.

Technologies Yes/No
ASP .NET Core Mvc
Entity Framework Core
Identity Server 4
Swagger UI
React + Typescript
Sql Server

Onion Architecture

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ASP.NET Core architecture diagram following Clean Architecture

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You probally access to link to get more detail for common web application architectures

Layers Example

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Account default

Docker build


  • Installed Docker on your computer

Steps to run

  • At deployment folder
  $ docker-compose -f docker-compose-infra.yml up
  $ docker-compose build
  $ docker-compose up


  • Updating MSCOREONE_DB_HOST's value is ([your IP], 1433) in .env file. Ex.,1433
  • Adding ([your IP] mscoreone-portal.local) in hosts file. Ex. mscoreone-portal.local

Links store demo on docker

Running integration test and watching code coverage

You need to some require external nuget packages. Install Converlet and FluentAssertions for your project using the following cli commands.

To get converlet to collect code coverage for your codebase, we need just to run the following command at the repository root.

dotnet test MsCoreOne.IntegrationTests.csproj  /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=\"opencover\" /p:CoverletOutput=BuildReports\Coverage\ /p:ExcludeByFile=\"**/Persistence/ApplicationDbContextSeed.cs\" /p:Exclude=\"[*]MsCoreOne.Infrastructure.Migrations.*,[*]MsCoreOne.Pages.*,[*]MsCoreOne.Areas.*\"

Distributed Caching with Redis

To testing with redis cache, you can install redis by the following way:

  1. Install manually redis from github repo and that download zip file that is compatible with your windows, extract the zip folder, and open up redis-server.exe
  2. Using docker to up redis by access to development folder then open powershell and that run command bellow.
docker-compose -f .\docker-compose-infra.yml up redis

Note: You should update your IP in appsetting for redis configuration to make sure mscoreone-api connect to redis server successfully.

:handshake: Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

:man_astronaut: Show your support

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