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Python library for interacting with the Netflix MSL API
Python library for interacting with the Netflix MSL API
Basic Usage
>>> import pymsl
>>> user_auth_data = {
... 'scheme': 'EMAIL_PASSWORD',
... 'authdata': {
... 'email': email,
... 'password': password
... }
... }
>>> client = pymsl.MslClient(user_auth_data)
>>> client.load_manifest(80092521)
{'version': 2, ...
All user authentication schemes are defined in the MSL wiki:
Custom Kwargs
takes additional kwargs as well to override the defaults; the only required arg for initialization is user_auth_data:
>>> pymsl.MslClient(
... user_auth_data,
... esn=CUSTOM_ESN, # default is NFCDCH-02-[random device ID]
... drm_system=CUSTOM_DRM_SYSTEM, # default is 'widevine', you can use 'playready', 'fps', etc.
... profiles=LIST_OF_PROFILES, # default is ['playready-h264mpl30-dash', 'playready-h264mpl31-dash', 'playready-h264mpl40-dash', 'heaac-2-dash', 'simplesdh', 'nflx-cmisc', 'BIF240', 'BIF320']
... keypair=CUSTOM_CRYPTODOME_RSA_KEYPAIR, # default is a random 2048-bit keypair
... message_id=CUSTOM_MESSAGE_ID, # default is a random integer between 0 and 2^52
... languages=LIST_OF_LANGUAGES, # default is ['en_US']
... proxies=PROXIES, # default is None
... key_request_data=CUSTOM_KEY_REQUEST_DATA, # default is ASYMMETRIC_WRAPPED
... extra_manifest_params=EXTRA_MANIFEST_PARAMS # default is a blank dict
... )
is the identity used for communicating with MSL. Different ESNs have different privileges. -
will determine what kind of initialization data you will receive in the manifest. -
is a list of profiles used for telling MSL what you want to receive in the manifest. -
is the RSA keypair used in the initial key exchange. -
is a random integer used for identifying the MSL client session. -
is a list of languages used for determining the language of the manifest received. -
is a proxy dict passed the same way you would pass it to the requests library. -
is a dict passed to override the normalASYMMETRIC_WRAPPED
key request dict in order to enable using other key exchange mechanisms. Note that you may have to monkey patch theparse_handshake
function in order for it to work with your specified key exchange mechanism. -
is a dict of extra manifest params. Here's the default manifest params sent in a manifest request:
'params': {
'type': 'standard',
'viewableId': viewable_id,
'profiles': self.msl_session['profiles'],
'flavor': 'STANDARD',
'drmType': self.msl_session['drm_system'],
'drmVersion': 25,
'usePsshBox': True,
'isBranching': False,
'useHttpsStreams': True,
'imageSubtitleHeight': 720,
'uiVersion': 'shakti-v4bf615c3',
'clientVersion': '6.0011.511.011',
'supportsPreReleasePin': True,
'supportsWatermark': True,
'showAllSubDubTracks': False,
'videoOutputInfo': [
'type': 'DigitalVideoOutputDescriptor',
'outputType': 'unknown',
'supportedHdcpVersions': [],
'isHdcpEngaged': False
'preferAssistiveAudio': False,
'isNonMember': False
By using this kwarg you can add any values you want to this param dict. For example, if you wanted showAllSubDubTracks
to be true, you would set extra_manifest_params
to {'showAllSubDubTracks': True}
. The manifest param dict is simply .update()
'ed with extra_manifest_params
, so you can overwrite default values or add new ones.
@param viewable_ids: Int of viewable ID
to obtain manifest for
@return: manifest (dict)
This function performs a manifest request based on
the parameters supplied when initalizing the client
object. If there are no errors, it will return the
manifest as a dict. If there are errors, it will
raise a ManifestError exception with the response
from the MSL API as the body.
get_license(challenge, session_id)
@param challenge: EME license request as a byte string
that will be used to obtain a license
@param session_id: DRM specific session ID passed as a string
@return: license (dict)
This function performs a license request based on
the parameters supplied when initalizing the client
object. If there are no errors, it will return the
licenses as a list of dicts. If there are errors, it will
raise a LicenseError exception with the response
from the MSL API as the body.
To install, you can either clone the repository and run python install
or you can run pip install pymsl
- [x] Implement license acquisition
- [ ] Clean up chunked payload parsing