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Make OSC receive port and address configurable

Open abhayap opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

Hi, could you make the OSC receive port and address configurable? I'd like to use the app to forward data from the NXosc app to other software but it sends data to port 8000 and address /nxosc/quaternion and that is not configurable.

abhayap avatar May 08 '21 13:05 abhayap

Yeah, I like this idea. Let me try implementing this.

For now you can try modifying the code yourself and recompile the bridge. https://github.com/trsonic/nvsonic-head-tracker/blob/39febe874a8f9f228bb4b512a4d8abcec06d28a1/head-tracker-osc-bridge/Source/Bridge.cpp#L43 https://github.com/trsonic/nvsonic-head-tracker/blob/39febe874a8f9f228bb4b512a4d8abcec06d28a1/head-tracker-osc-bridge/Source/Bridge.cpp#L55

trsonic avatar May 09 '21 20:05 trsonic