Colin Jones
Colin Jones
@charleslparker +1 on a PR or wiki edit to update lein project documentation to point this out. This is great stuff - somehow I didn't know about it either.
Hmm, yeah, seems like it's got to be something specific to REPLy's nREPL implementation, nREPL itself, because it works when I use the non-nREPL mode... I don't know much about...
Sounds great to me. I wonder if there's a way to disambiguate the case you're talking about from one where the remote server doesn't require a pw, just a username...
Interesting - now when you saw via vim-fireplace, does that mean you spin up a `lein repl` and then send commands to it via vim? If so, that makes me...
OK, I don't know much about cider but it does appears to set up some middleware (maybe it changes the forcing behavior?). I'll try and install it sometime soon and...
OK, I got cider 0.6.0alpha (from Melpa - I tried Marmalade first but got 0.5.0), nREPL 0.2.3, clojure 1.6.0-alpha3, and I'm still seeing: ``` clojure user> (foo nil) nil Hello,...
Instaparse does incremental parsing? Sjacket certainly does; that's why I'm using it. Got a link for instaparse doing incremental parsing, and a complete instaparse clojure grammar?
Apologies in advance if this is a dumb/obvious observation, but my `javac` is a binary, and since the JRE includes the `java` command but doesn't ship a compiler, it seems...
Usually I've used `around` for this, something like ``` clojure (ns myapp.test (:require [speclj.core :refer :all])) (def db "database-a") (describe "db" (around [it] (with-redefs [db "database-b"] (it))) (it "should be...
@eigenhombre Yep! `it` -> `it#` (auto-gensym), as below: ``` clojure (ns myapp.test (:require [myapp.test :refer :all] [speclj.core :refer :all])) (def db "database-a") (defmacro describe-with-db [text & body] `(describe ~text (around...