jekyll-base-foundation copied to clipboard
A clean base for starting Jekyll static site projects with Zurb Foundation 6
Jekyll Base Project [Foundation]
This is a clean base for starting Jekyll static site projects using Zurb Foundation 6. This setup is designed more for a standard static website (eg. landing site, company website, etc.) and less for a blogging site. This can definitely be modified to be used as a Jekyll blog, if desired - but that wasn't my intention with this.
This is using...
- Jekyll static site generation
- Foundation CSS framework (currently version 5 - docs here)
- Jekyll Assets asset pipeline
- FontAwesome via FontAwesome Sass
- S3 Website to deploy to S3 Amazon Web Services S3.
Getting started
1. Prerequisites
1.1 Bundler
We use Bundler to manage a bunch of the project assets and requirements, so you need to make sure you have that installed.
You can install it by running:
gem install bundler
1.2 Bower
We use Bower to manage the rest of the project assets.
You can install it by running:
npm install -g bower
2. Install Requirements
Since we Bundler and Bower, this is super easy. All of the project requirements are detailed in the project's Gemfile
and bower.json
2.1 Bundler
Just run the following command:
bundle install
Or if you don't want to deploy to S3:
bundle install --without deploy
2.2 Bower
Then install the remaining requirements with the following:
bower install
3. Go at it...
Jekyll comes shipped with a development server and we use Jekyll Assets to manage all of our assets, so... just go at it... bro.
fires up a server at and starts watching for file changes. Just make your changes and head over to your browser.
jekyll serve
simply compiles your assets and generates your website - no server, no watching.
jekyll build
...or watching:
jekyll build --watch
Once you're ready to deploy, make sure to run jekyll build
first to clean out any old or cached asset files, then follow on of the following instructions:
Amazon S3 (Optional)
Deploying to S3 is easypeezy with S3 Website.
1. Config
Edit the s3_website.yml
with your S3 information.
2. Deploy to S3
Run the following command and all will be live:
s3_website push
All of the compiled and generated files reside in the _site
directory. Simply toss all of the files in _site
, as is, to whatever hosting platform you're using (via FTP,
SSH, etc.) and you're done!
DOM-based Routing
Something note worthy:
I use DOM-based Javascript routing based on by Paul Irish. It's pretty neat stuff. I actually snagged it from who snagged the concept from Paul Irish.
- Update project to use Gulp and Browsersync
- Link project to useful Sass repo
This package is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.