Trovend Technology Pvt Ltd
Trovend Technology Pvt Ltd
Same Issue for me as well. Ubuntu 20.04. ghost version results this- Ghost-CLI version: 1.15.3 ghost doctor "Working directory is not a recognisable Ghost installation."
Tried with 3.38.0 and still getting the same error. It has below line already. subscribeToMapEvent(eventName: N): Observable; to who ever it worked, what is your @agm/core package version?
thank you @cbodapati It worked with @types/googlemaps": "3.39.12" Just for the benefit for others "@types/googlemaps": "3.39.12" Instead of @types/googlemaps": "^3.39.12"
Same issue. anyone from @Instamojo working on this?
@nishant304 i believe everyone who upgrade to android x is having this issue. please resolved at the earliest or let us know the work around