`xstream` updated, PRs welcome for the other two.
Thanks for putting an effort to describe the issue, correct me if I'm wrong but this does not seem to have anything to do with Eureka but rather is a...
I understand the flow and agree this is a 100% bug (a race condition), the fix proposed does not eliminate it but only improves the odds. I'm going to merge...
It's pretty ridiculous a `404` response from the server would be a `TransportException` as the transport is perfectly fine and this is an application protocol code but if this is...
`eureka-client/src/main/java/com/netflix/discovery/shared/transport/decorator/` if you check the `execute` method, you can see it loops for a number of "retries" and for each try it'll use the same last-known good http client (bound...
I'm not sure how we can help, `getServices()` is not a method from Eureka, if this is a SBN thing I suggest asking there. But honestly the use case and...
You may not be getting all the expected services because of a race? Regarding the RESTful endpoint, it's `GET /eureka/v2/apps` by default, so that's correct, I can't say why you're...
Seems unrelated to Eureka, please provide more context on why you think this is an issue with Eureka, otherwise closing.
It's a simple RESTful API to register and heartbeat, see my answer [here]( for an example.
It's hard to advise as it depends on a lot of factors (option `a` has the benefit of you not needing to understand the protocol or maintain it), I can...