OpenXLSX copied to clipboard
The number in cell is formatted as text but need as float
Hello! I am a user of this library, thanks for it.
Unfortunately, I didn't find the same issue or example in the repo.
I faced a problem when I write floats numbers (as a std::string) in excel and get cells as a text data
code snippet how I get it:
const float board_value = 3.3188;
std::ostringstream streamObj;
streamObj << std::fixed;
streamObj << std::setprecision(2);
streamObj << board_value;
auto result = streamObj.str();
std::replace(this->result .begin(), this->result .end(), '.', ',');
wks.cell(2, 2).value() = result;
If I'll not use replacing excel formatting will be okay with formatting. But I should use ',' instead of '.' for float numbers in excel. Is it possible to affect excel formatting inside API? It would be very useful. Thank you!