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Custom renderer ?
React-Three-Fiber use a custom renderer :
I tried this approach few months ago but it was not so easy and it was not possible to mix html and troisjs.
Don't wait a custom renderer, it won't make you better at making awesome things with troisjs
Ressources :
Here is a demo of creating a custom React renderer, which I think could actually be helpful if you decide to build a custom Vue renderer: I personally find it helpful.
That's an excellent talk @fnick851 , thanks for the link! I just watched it and it'll definitely come in useful for this issue.
it will be so cool to have three fiber with in troisjs, i will try to it myself as well, hopefully could help get some insign.
Update on this issue - I was able to get a basic version working here. I've been working on a better-organized version and will be making that public hopefully in the next few weeks - will keep this thread posted!