Troels F. Rønnow
Troels F. Rønnow
Q# needs updating in the project files.
Possibly the "correct" way to deal with this is to do a more granular approach, translating `__quantum__rt__array_get_element_ptr_1d` int to a constant i8*. For discussion with the team. A good example...
Currently, QAT uses whatever default machine is set by the LLVM code. This is likely to be the machine triple from the machine on which QAT is running rather than...
This work item requires a re-design of the grouping pass to set out a longer term vision for management of loading program parameters, executing the program on the QPU and...
LLVM offers a number of attributes for functions and/or their parameters. We should investigate which of these can be used to simplify the IR. For instance, it is expected that...
Currently the setup for developers are not described for OS X developers.
Grouping is currently experimental and not part of the spec. As a more clear image of what is needed, the pass, the documentation and the specs need to be streamlined.
Qubits that are allocated and operated on, but never measured should be trimmed. Consider cases where they are used in circuits where other qubits are measured such as CNOT