akka-http-realworld-example icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
akka-http-realworld-example copied to clipboard

Exemplary real world application built with Scala + Akka HTTP https://realworld.io

RealWorld Example Applications

Build Status

PRs and issues welcome!

Getting started

  1. Clone this repo
    git clone https://github.com/1984weed/akka-http-realworld-example
  2. Launch local Database using dokcer-compose
    docker-compose up
  3. sbt run to start the local server

It launches on localhost:9000

Application Structure

Each directory under the realworld.com/ has a responsibility for each Domail. (e.g articles has only a responsibility for article router, logic and Database

Main Dependencies

  • Slick3
  • circe
  • Flyway


Hot reloading

sbt ~reStart

Code Format

sbt scalafmt


Copyright Copyright (C) 2019 Teruo Kunihiro. Distributed under the MIT License.