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A nice collection of day-to-day Perl scripts.


A nice collection of day-to-day Perl scripts.


  • Analyzers
    • Char counter
    • Chr freq
    • Dieharder
    • First letter top
    • kcal
      • Kcal
    • Kernel config diff
    • Perl code analyzer
    • Perl code spellcheck
    • Reptop
    • Text stats
    • Unidecode word top
    • Wcer
    • Word suffix top
  • Audio
    • Auto-mp3tags
    • Group audio files
    • Rem-mp3tags
    • Wave-cmp
    • Wave-cmp2
  • Benchmarks
    • Array range vs shift
    • Compression algorithms
    • Json vs storable
    • Schwartzian transform
    • Types of variables
  • Book tools
    • Rosettacode to markdown
    • Update summary
  • Converters
    • Any to 3gp
    • Ass2srt
    • Code2pdf
    • Euler2pdf
    • From hex
    • Gitbook2pdf
    • Html2text
    • Json2csv
    • Markdown2pdf
    • Notepadfree to txt
    • Unicode2ascii
    • Vnt2txt simple
    • Xml2hash
    • Xpm c to perl
  • Decoders
    • Base64 decoding-tutorial
    • Cnp info
    • Named parameters
  • Digest
    • Brute-force resistant hashing
  • Encoders
    • 77
    • Arithmetic coding
    • Arithmetic coding anynum
    • Ascii encode decode
    • Binary arithmetic coding
    • Binary arithmetic coding anynum
    • Binradix arithmetic coding
    • Binradix arithmetic coding anynum
    • Eyes dropper
    • Int2bytes
    • Length encoder
    • Lzt-fast
    • Lzt-hc
    • Lzt-hc2
    • Lzt-simple
    • Lzt-simple 2
    • Lzw compression
    • Math expr encoder
    • String to integer encoding based on primes
    • Tac-compressor
    • Tacc-compressor
    • Tlen compressor
    • Tzip
    • Tzip2
  • Encryption
    • Age-lf
    • Backdoored rsa with x25519
    • Cbc+xor file encrypter
    • Crypt rsa
    • One-time pad
    • Plage
    • RSA encryption
    • Simple XOR cipher
  • File Readers
    • Ldump
    • Multi-file-line-reader
    • N repeated lines
    • Tailz
  • File Workers
    • Auto extensions
    • Delete if exists
    • Dir file updater
    • File-mover
    • File updater
    • Filename cmp del
    • Keep this formats
    • Make filenames portable
    • Remove eof newlines
    • Split to n lines
    • Sub renamer
    • Undir
    • Unidec renamer
  • Finders
    • Ampath
    • Dup subtr finder
    • Fcheck
    • Fdf
    • Fdf-attr
    • Fdf-filename
    • File binsearch
    • Find perl scripts
    • Find similar filenames
    • Find similar filenames unidec
    • Fsf
    • Fsfn
    • Human-like finder
    • Large file search
    • Locatepm
    • Longest substring
    • Model matching system
    • Path diff
    • Plocate
    • Similar files levenshtein
  • Formatters
    • Ascii table csv
    • File columner
    • Fstab beautifier
    • Js beautify
    • Reformat literal perl strings
    • Replace html links
    • Word columner
  • Game solvers
    • Dice game solver
    • Generate sudoku
    • Peg-solitaire-solver
    • Reaction time test
    • Reflex sheep game
    • Sudoku dice game solver
    • Sudoku solver
    • Visual memory test
  • Games
    • Asciiplanes
    • Snake game
  • GD
    • Abstract map
    • AND sierpinski triangle
    • Barnsley fern fractal
    • Binary triangle
    • Black star turtle
    • Black yellow number triangles
    • Box pattern
    • Chaos game pentagon
    • Chaos game tetrahedron
    • Chaos game triangle
    • Circular prime triangle
    • Circular triangle
    • Collatz triangle
    • Color wheel
    • Complex square
    • Congruence of squares triangle
    • Cuboid turtle
    • Cuboid turtle3
    • Cuboid turtle 2
    • Dancing shapes
    • Divisor circles
    • Divisor triangle
    • Elementary cellular automaton generalized
    • Fact exp primorial growing
    • Factor circles
    • Factor triangle
    • Factorial turtles
    • Factors of two triangle
    • Farey turnings plot
    • Fgraph
    • Fgraph precision
    • Fibonacci gd
    • Fibonacci spirals
    • Generator turtle
    • Geometric shapes
    • Goldbach conjecture possibilities
    • Horsie art
    • Julia set
    • Julia set complex
    • Julia set random
    • Julia set rperl
    • Koch snowflakes
    • Langton's ant gd
    • Line pattern triangles
    • LSystem
      • Honeycomb
      • Honeycomb 2
      • Plant
      • Plant 2
      • Plant 3
      • Sierpinski triangle
      • Tree
    • Magic triangle
    • Mandelbrot like set
    • Mandelbrot like set gcomplex
    • Mathematical butt
    • Mathematical shapes
    • Mirror shells
    • Moebius walking line
    • Number triangles
    • Numeric circles
    • Pascal-fibonacci triangle
    • Pascal powers of two triangle
    • Pascal's triangle multiples
    • Pascal special triangle
    • Pattern triangle
    • Peacock triangles
    • Pi abstract art
    • Pi turtle
    • Prime consecutive sums
    • Prime gaps
    • Prime rectangles
    • Prime stripe triangle
    • Prime triangle 90deg
    • Pythagoras tree
    • Random abstract art
    • Random abstract art 2
    • Random langton's ant
    • Random looking pattern triangle
    • Random machinery art
    • Random noise triangle
    • Random turtles
    • Real shell
    • Recursive squares
    • Regular poligons
    • Reversed prime triangles
    • Right triangle primes
    • Sandpiles
    • Sierpinski fibonacci triangle
    • Sierpinski triangle
    • Spinning shapes
    • Spiral matrix primes
    • Spiral tree
    • Square of circles
    • Star turtle
    • Stern brocot shapes
    • Triangle factors
    • Triangle primes
    • Triangle primes 2
    • Triangle primes irregular
    • Trizen fan turtle
    • Trizen flat logo
    • Trizen new logo
    • Trizen old logo
    • Trizen text art
    • Tupper's self-referential formula
    • Wavy triangle
    • XOR pattern
    • Zeta real half terms
    • Zig-zag primes
  • Generators
    • Bernoulli numbers formulas
    • Faulhaber's formula symbolic
    • Faulhaber's formulas expanded
    • Faulhaber's formulas expanded 2
    • Faulhaber's formulas generator
    • Parsing and code gen
    • Powers of factorial
    • Random lsystem generator
    • Semiprime equationization C generator
    • Semiprime equationization Perl generator
    • Zeta 2n generator
  • Greppers
    • Marif
    • Mime types
    • Mp3grep
    • Scgrep
    • Unigrep
  • GTK+
    • Mouse position
    • Tray-file-browser
  • HAL
    • HAL3736
      • HAL3736.memory
      • HAL3736
    • HAL8212
      • HAL8212.memory
      • HAL8212
    • HAL9000
      • HAL9000.memory
      • HAL9000
  • Image
    • 2x zoom
    • Bitmap monochrome encoding decoding
    • Collage
    • Complex transform
    • Cyan vision
    • Darken image
    • Diff negative
    • Edge detector
    • Extract jpegs
    • Fractal frame
    • Fractal frame transparent
    • Gd png2jpg
    • Gd similar images
    • Gd star trails
    • Image2ascii
    • Image2digits
    • Image2html
    • Image2matrix
    • Image2mozaic
    • Image2png
    • Image2prime
    • Img-autocrop
    • Img-autocrop-avg
    • Img-autocrop-whitebg
    • Img composition
    • Img rewrite
    • Julia transform
    • Lookalike images
    • Magick png2jpg
    • Magick similar images
    • Magick star trails
    • Matrix visual
    • Nearest neighbor interpolation
    • Optimize images
    • Optimize images littleutils
    • Outguess-png
    • Outguess-png-imager
    • Photo mosaic from images
    • Remove sensitive exif tags
    • Sharp 2x zoom
    • Visualize binary
    • Webp2png
  • JAPH
    • Alien japh
    • Alpha ascii japh
    • Alpha japh
    • Alpha japh 2
    • Alpha japh 3
    • Arrow japh
    • Barewords japh
    • Cubic japh
    • Invisible japh
    • Japh from ambiguity
    • Japh from auto-quoted keywords
    • Japh from escapes
    • Japh from escapes 2
    • Japh from eval subst
    • Japh from keywords
    • Japh from pod
    • Japh from poetry
    • Japh from punctuation chars
    • Japh from subs
    • Japh from the deep
    • Japh variable
    • Japh variables
    • Japh variables 2
    • Leet japh
    • Length obfuscation
    • Log japh
    • Log japh 2
    • Non-alphanumeric japh
    • Re eval japh
    • Slash r japh
    • Ternary japh
    • Up and down
    • Vec japh
    • Vec japh 2
  • Lingua
    • En phoneme
    • Lingua ro numbers
    • Poetry from poetry
    • Poetry from poetry with variations
    • Random poetry generator
    • Rus translit
  • Math
    • 1 over n is finite
    • 1 over n period length
    • Additive binomial
    • Alexandrian integers
    • Almost prime divisors
    • Almost prime divisors recursive
    • Almost prime numbers
    • Almost prime numbers in range
    • Almost primes from factor list
    • Area of triangle
    • Arithmetic derivative
    • Arithmetic expressions
    • Arithmetic geometric mean complex
    • Arithmetic sum closed form
    • Ascii cuboid
    • Ascii julia set
    • Ascii mandelbrot set
    • Batir factorial asymptotic formula mpfr
    • Bell numbers
    • Bell numbers mpz
    • Bernoulli denominators
    • Bernoulli denominators records
    • Bernoulli numbers
    • Bernoulli numbers from factorials
    • Bernoulli numbers from factorials mpq
    • Bernoulli numbers from factorials mpz
    • Bernoulli numbers from factorials visual
    • Bernoulli numbers from primes
    • Bernoulli numbers from primes gmpf
    • Bernoulli numbers from primes mpfr
    • Bernoulli numbers from primes ntheory
    • Bernoulli numbers from tangent numbers
    • Bernoulli numbers from zeta
    • Bernoulli numbers ramanujan congruences
    • Bernoulli numbers ramanujan congruences unreduced
    • Bernoulli numbers recursive
    • Bernoulli numbers recursive 2
    • Bernoulli numbers seidel
    • Binary gcd algorithm
    • Binary gcd algorithm mpz
    • Binary multiplier
    • Binary prime encoder
    • Binary prime encoder fast
    • Binary prime sieve mpz
    • Binary splitting product
    • Binomial sum with imaginary term
    • Binomial theorem
    • Bitstring prime sieve mpz
    • Bitstring prime sieve vec
    • Both truncatable primes in base
    • BPSW primality test
    • BPSW primality test mpz
    • Brazilian primes constant
    • Brilliant numbers count
    • Brown numbers
    • Carmichael factorization method
    • Carmichael factorization method generalized
    • Carmichael numbers generation erdos method
    • Carmichael numbers in range
    • Carmichael numbers random
    • Cartesian product iter
    • Cartesian product rec
    • Cauchy numbers of first type
    • Chebyshev factorization method
    • Chebyshev factorization method mpz
    • Chernick-carmichael numbers
    • Chernick-carmichael numbers below limit
    • Chernick-carmichael polynomials
    • Chinese factorization method
    • Coin change
    • Collatz function
    • Complex exponentiation in real numbers
    • Complex logarithm in real numbers
    • Complex modular multiplicative inverse
    • Complex zeta in real numbers
    • Congruence of powers factorization method
    • Consecutive partitions
    • Continued fraction expansion of sqrt of n
    • Continued fraction expansion of sqrt of n mpz
    • Continued fraction factorization method
    • Continued fractions
    • Continued fractions for e
    • Continued fractions for nth roots
    • Continued fractions for pi
    • Continued fractions for square roots
    • Continued fractions prime constant
    • Convergent series
    • Conversion of digits to number subquadratic algorithm
    • Cosmic calendar
    • Count of cube-full numbers
    • Count of integers with gpf of n equals p
    • Count of integers with lpf of n equals p
    • Count of k-almost primes
    • Count of k-omega primes
    • Count of k-powerfree numbers
    • Count of k-powerful numbers
    • Count of rough numbers
    • Count of smooth numbers
    • Count of smooth numbers mpz
    • Count of smooth numbers mpz 2
    • Count of smooth numbers with k factors
    • Count of squarefree k-almost primes
    • Count subtriangles
    • Cube-full numbers
    • Cuboid
    • Cyclotomic factorization method
    • Cyclotomic factorization method 2
    • Cyclotomic polynomial
    • Definite integral numerical approximation
    • Difference of k powers
    • Difference of powers factorization method
    • Difference of three squares solutions
    • Difference of two squares solutions
    • Digits in base subquadratic algorithm
    • Digits in base subquadratic algorithm mpz
    • Dirichlet hyperbola method
    • Discrete root
    • Divisors less than k
    • Divisors of factorial below limit
    • Divisors of factorial in range iterator
    • Dixon factorization method
    • E from binomial
    • E primorial
    • Ecm factorization method
    • Elementary cellular automaton generalized
    • Elliptic-curve factorization method
    • Equally spaced squares solutions
    • Esthetic numbers
    • Ethiopian multiplication
    • Ethiopian multiplication binary
    • Factorial dsc algorithm
    • Factorial expansion of reciprocals
    • Factorial from primes
    • Factorial from primes simple
    • Factorial from primorials
    • Factorial from trinomial coefficients
    • Factorial in half steps
    • Factorions in base n
    • Factorization with difference of prime factors
    • Farey rational approximation
    • Faulhaber's formula
    • Fermat factorization method
    • Fermat factorization method 2
    • Fermat frobenius quadratic primality test
    • Fermat overpseudoprimes generation
    • Fermat pseudoprimes generation
    • Fermat pseudoprimes generation 2
    • Fermat pseudoprimes generation 3
    • Fermat pseudoprimes in range
    • Fermat superpseudoprimes generation
    • Fibonacci closed form
    • Fibonacci closed form 2
    • Fibonacci encoding
    • Fibonacci factorization method
    • Fibonacci k-th order
    • Fibonacci k-th order efficient algorithm
    • Fibonacci k-th order fast
    • Fibonacci k-th order odd primes indices
    • Fibonacci number fast
    • Fibonacci polynomials closed form
    • Fibonacci pseudoprimes generation
    • Find least common denominator
    • Floor and ceil functions fourier series
    • Flt factorization method
    • Fraction approximation
    • Fraction to decimal expansion
    • Fractional pi
    • Frobenius pseudoprimes generation
    • Fubini numbers
    • Fubini numbers recursive
    • Function graph
    • Function inverse binary search
    • Gamma function
    • Gaussian divisors
    • Gaussian factors
    • Gaussian integers sum
    • General binary multiplier
    • Goldbach conjecture 2n prime
    • Goldbach conjecture increasing primes
    • Goldbach conjecture possibilities
    • Goldbach conjecture random primes
    • Golomb's sequence
    • Hamming numbers
    • Harmonic numbers
    • Harmonic numbers from digamma
    • Harmonic numbers from powers
    • Harmonic numbers from powers mpz
    • Harmonic prime powers
    • Hybrid prime factorization
    • Inverse of bernoulli numbers
    • Inverse of euler totient
    • Inverse of factorial
    • Inverse of factorial stirling
    • Inverse of fibonacci
    • Inverse of multiplicative functions
    • Inverse of p adic valuation
    • Inverse of sigma function
    • Inverse of sigma function fast
    • Inverse of sigma function generalized
    • Inverse of usigma function
    • Invert transform of factorials
    • Is absolute euler pseudoprime
    • Is chernick carmichael number
    • Is even perfect
    • Is even perfect 2
    • Is even perfect 3
    • Is perfect power
    • Is smooth over product
    • Is squarefree over product
    • Is sum of two cubes
    • Is sum of two squares
    • Iterative difference of central divisors to reach zero
    • K-imperfect numbers
    • K-powerful numbers
    • Karatsuba multiplication
    • Kempner binomial numbers
    • Klein J invariant and modular lambda
    • Lambert W function
    • Lambert W function complex
    • Lanczos approximation
    • Least k such that k times k-th prime is greater than 10 to the n
    • Least nonresidue
    • Legendary question six
    • Length of shortest addition chain
    • Lerch zeta function
    • Logarithmic integral asymptotic formula
    • Logarithmic root
    • Logarithmic root complex
    • Logarithmic root in two variables
    • Logarithmic root mpfr
    • Long division
    • Long multiplication
    • Lucas-carmichael numbers in range
    • Lucas-miller factorization method
    • Lucas-pocklington primality proving
    • Lucas-pratt primality proving
    • Lucas-pratt prime records
    • Lucas factorization method
    • Lucas factorization method generalized
    • Lucas pseudoprimes generation
    • Lucas pseudoprimes generation erdos method
    • Lucas sequences U V
    • Lucas sequences U V mpz
    • Lucas theorem
    • LUP decomposition
    • Magic 3-gon ring
    • Magic 5-gon ring
    • Map num
    • Matrix determinant bareiss
    • Matrix path 2-ways best
    • Matrix path 2-ways greedy
    • Matrix path 3-ways best
    • Matrix path 3-ways diagonal best
    • Matrix path 3-ways greedy
    • Matrix path 4-ways best
    • Matrix path 4-ways best 2
    • Matrix path 4-ways best 3
    • Matrix path 4-ways greedy
    • Maximum product of parts bisection
    • Maximum square remainder
    • MBE factorization method
    • Mertens function
    • Mertens function fast
    • Miller-rabin deterministic primality test
    • Miller-rabin deterministic primality test mpz
    • Miller-rabin factorization method
    • Modular bell numbers
    • Modular bell numbers mpz
    • Modular binomial
    • Modular binomial fast
    • Modular binomial faster
    • Modular binomial ntheory
    • Modular binomial small k
    • Modular binomial small k faster
    • Modular cyclotomic polynomial
    • Modular factorial
    • Modular fibonacci
    • Modular fibonacci anynum
    • Modular fibonacci cassini
    • Modular fibonacci cassini fast
    • Modular fibonacci fast mpz
    • Modular fibonacci mpz
    • Modular fibonacci polynomial
    • Modular fibonacci polynomial 2
    • Modular hyperoperation
    • Modular inverse
    • Modular lucas numbers
    • Modular lucas sequence V
    • Modular lucas sequences U V
    • Modular pseudo square root
    • Modular pseudo square root 2
    • Modular sigma of unitary divisors of factorial
    • Modular square root
    • Modular square root 2
    • Modular square root 3
    • Modular square root all solutions
    • Modular square root all solutions cipolla
    • Multi sqrt nums
    • Multinomial coefficient
    • Multinomial coefficient from binomial
    • Multivariate gamma function
    • Mysterious sum-pentagonal numbers
    • Mysterious sum-pentagonal numbers 2
    • N dimensional circles
    • Near-power factorization method
    • Newton's method
    • Newton's method recursive
    • Next palindrome
    • Next palindrome from non-palindrome
    • Next palindrome in base
    • Next power of two
    • Nth composite
    • Nth prime approx
    • Nth root good rational approximations
    • Nth root recurrence constant
    • Nth smooth number
    • Number2expression
    • Number of conditional GCDs
    • Number of connected permutations
    • Number of partitions into 2 distinct positive cubes
    • Number of partitions into 2 distinct positive squares
    • Number of partitions into 2 nonnegative cubes
    • Number of partitions into 2 positive squares
    • Number of representations as sum of 3 triangles
    • Number of representations as sum of four squares
    • Number of representations as sum of two squares
    • Numbers with pow 2 divisors
    • Omega prime divisors
    • Omega prime numbers in range
    • Order factorization method
    • Palindrome iteration
    • Partial sums of dedekind psi function
    • Partial sums of euler totient function
    • Partial sums of euler totient function fast
    • Partial sums of euler totient function fast 2
    • Partial sums of euler totient function times k
    • Partial sums of euler totient function times k to the m
    • Partial sums of exponential prime omega functions
    • Partial sums of gcd-sum function
    • Partial sums of gcd-sum function fast
    • Partial sums of gcd-sum function faster
    • Partial sums of gpf
    • Partial sums of inverse moebius transform of dedekind function
    • Partial sums of jordan totient function
    • Partial sums of jordan totient function fast
    • Partial sums of jordan totient function times k to the m
    • Partial sums of lcm count function
    • Partial sums of liouville function
    • Partial sums of lpf
    • Partial sums of n over k-almost prime divisors
    • Partial sums of powerfree numbers
    • Partial sums of powerfree part
    • Partial sums of prime bigomega function
    • Partial sums of prime omega function
    • Partial sums of sigma function
    • Partial sums of sigma function times k
    • Partial sums of sigma function times k to the m
    • Partitions count
    • Partitions count abs
    • Partitions count simple
    • Pascal-fibonacci triangle
    • Pascal's triangle multiples
    • Pattern mixing
    • Pell cfrac factorization
    • Pell factorization
    • Pell factorization anynum
    • Perfect numbers
    • Period of continued fraction for square roots
    • Period of continued fraction for square roots mpz
    • Period of continued fraction for square roots ntheory
    • Phi-finder factorization method
    • Pi from infinity
    • Pisano periods
    • Pisano periods efficient algorithm
    • Pocklington-pratt primality proving
    • Pollard-strassen factorization method
    • Pollard p-1 factorization
    • Pollard rho exp factorization
    • Pollard rho factorization
    • Polygonal numbers
    • Polygonal representations
    • Polynomial interpolation
    • Power divisors
    • Power of factorial ramanujan
    • Powers of primes in factorial
    • Powers of primes modulus in factorial
    • Prime 41
    • Prime abundant sequences
    • Prime count smooth sum
    • Prime factorization concept
    • Prime factors of binomial coefficients
    • Prime factors of binomial product
    • Prime factors of factorial
    • Prime factors of superfactorial and hyperfactorial
    • Prime formulas
    • Prime functions in terms of zeros of zeta
    • Prime numbers generator
    • Prime omega function generalized
    • Prime power count
    • Prime quadratic polynomial analyzer
    • Prime quadratic polynomials
    • Prime summation
    • Prime zeta
    • Primes diff
    • Primes sum of pair product
    • Primitive sum of two squares
    • Primorial deflation
    • Pseudo square root
    • PSW primality test
    • PSW primality test mpz
    • Pythagorean triples
    • Quadratic-integer factorization method
    • Quadratic-integer factorization method mpz
    • Quadratic frobenius primality test
    • Quadratic polynomial in terms of its zeros
    • Ramanujan sum
    • Ramanujan sum fast
    • Random carmichael fibonacci pseudoprimes
    • Random integer factorization
    • Random miller-rabin pseudoprimes
    • Rational approximations
    • Rational continued fractions
    • Rational prime product
    • Rational summation of fractions
    • Reciprocal cycle length
    • Rectangle sides from area and diagonal
    • Rectangle sides from diagonal angles
    • Rectangle sides from one diagonal angle
    • Recursive matrix multiplication
    • Rest calc
    • Reversed number triangle
    • Reversed number triangles
    • Riemann prime-counting function
    • Riemann's J function
    • Roots on the rise
    • RSA example
    • RSA PRNG
    • Secant numbers
    • Semiprime equationization
    • Semiprime equationization uncached
    • Sequence analyzer
    • Sequence closed form
    • Sequence polynomial closed form
    • Sieve of eratosthenes
    • Sigma0 of factorial
    • Sigma function
    • Sigma of factorial
    • Sigma of product of binomials
    • Sigma p adic
    • Siqs factorization
    • Smallest k-gonal inverse
    • Smallest k-gonal inverse brute force
    • Smallest number with at least n divisors
    • Smallest number with n divisors
    • Smarandache function
    • Smooth numbers generalized
    • Solutions to x squared equals -1 mod n
    • Solutions to x squared equals 1 mod n
    • Solutions to x squared equals a mod n
    • Solve congruence equation example
    • Solve cubic equation
    • Solve cubic equation real
    • Solve modular cubic equation
    • Solve modular quadratic equation
    • Solve pell equation
    • Solve pell equation fast
    • Solve pell equation generalized
    • Solve pell equation simple
    • Solve quadratic diophantine reciprocals
    • Solve reciprocal pythagorean equation
    • Solve sequence
    • Sophie germain factorization method
    • Sorting algorithms
    • Sphere volume
    • Sqrt mod p tonelli-shanks mpz
    • Square divisors
    • Square product subsets
    • Square root convergents
    • Square root method
    • Square root modulo n tonelli-shanks
    • Squarefree almost prime divisors
    • Squarefree almost primes from factor list
    • Squarefree almost primes in range
    • Squarefree count
    • Squarefree divisors
    • Squarefree fermat overpseudoprimes in range
    • Squarefree fermat pseudoprimes in range
    • Stern brocot encoding
    • Stern brocot sequence
    • Sum factorial
    • Sum of an even number of positive squares
    • Sum of digits
    • Sum of digits in base subquadratic algorithm
    • Sum of digits in base subquadratic algorithm mpz
    • Sum of natural powers in constant base
    • Sum of prime-power exponents of factorial
    • Sum of prime-power exponents of product of binomials
    • Sum of sigma
    • Sum of sigma 2
    • Sum of the number of divisors
    • Sum of the number of divisors of gcd x y
    • Sum of the number of unitary divisors
    • Sum of the sum of divisors
    • Sum of three cubes problem
    • Sum of triangular numbers solutions
    • Sum of two primes
    • Sum of two squares all solutions
    • Sum of two squares multiple solutions
    • Sum of two squares solution
    • Sum remainders
    • Super pandigital numbers
    • Tangent numbers
    • Trial division fast
    • Triangle hyperoperation
    • Triangle interior angles
    • Tribonacci primality test
    • Trip2mars
    • Unitary divisors
    • Unitary divisors fast
    • Unitary squarefree divisors
    • Wilson prime formula
    • Yahtzee
    • Zequals
    • Zeta 2n
    • Zeta for primes
    • Zeta function
    • Zeta prime count approx
  • Media
    • Wimp-viewer
  • Microphone
    • Alsa
      • Raw from microphone
    • Julius
      • Julius voice control concept
      • Voice control
  • Monitoring
    • File-monitor
  • Other
    • Concatenation weirdness
    • Lexical subs recursion bug
    • Tail recursion
    • Yafu factorization
  • Regex
    • Positive-negative matching
    • Prime regexp
    • Regex optimizer in source
    • Regex pair factors
    • Regexp to strings
  • Search
    • Binary search
    • Binary search ge
    • Binary search le
  • Simulation
    • 100 prisoners riddle
  • Socket
    • Chat server
  • Sort
    • Binsertion sorting algorithm
  • Subtitle
    • Srt-delay
    • Srt assembler
    • Srt fix
  • Text
    • Abs string
    • All substrings
    • Group alike words
    • Jaro-winkler distance
    • Levenshtein distance iter
    • Levenshtein distance rec
    • Markov chain text generator
    • Orthogonal text scrambling
    • Orthogonal text scrambling double
    • Repeated substrings
    • Search by prefix
    • Sim end words
    • SmartWordWrap
    • SmartWordWrap lazy
    • SmartWordWrap simple
    • Unique prefixes
    • Word roots
    • Word unscrambler
  • Time
    • Calendar
    • Contdown
  • Visualisators
    • Binview
    • Disk-stats
    • Dnscrypt stats
    • Greycmd
    • Human-finder-visual
    • Lz visual
    • Matrix path 2-ways best
    • Matrix path 3-ways best
    • Matrix path 3-ways greedy
    • Pview
    • Random finder visual
    • Triangle sub-string finder
    • Visual lz77 compression
    • Visual sudoku dice solver