big data visualization ideas.
alternate file encoding may help with web accessibilty.
Not sure what you want. FDR is a group parameter (not for individual assignments). i think you may want the q-value, which is simply the FDR of all peptides beginning...
ok. let me look into it. I was thinking that q-value for peptides was recomputed in the peptides output.
Maybe you can get something close. But, unfortunately, neither TMT nor any of the other so-called isobaric tags are truly isobaric at high resolution. They are isobaric enough to be...
you could be right. i might have mixed things up. best to double check for higher multplexing though. 11plex
This seems like quite a reasonable request. can you be more specific about what you'd like to see and we can consider it further. Maybe you have an example file...
thanks for the comment. we have seen this. I was thinking that it was fixed. but perhaps there haven't been some updates passed through to this release of metamorpheus
I think this bug is fixed here: that is in a nuget package that metamorpheus uses. So, i think we need to update the nuget in metamorpheus and make...