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Possible demo vignette

Open trinker opened this issue 10 years ago • 4 comments

I thought a possible demonstration vignette could be nice. I'm putting this thread here to document some creative uses of pacman and if we get enough of these we could make a vignette.

I haven't thought of a vignette name if @Dasonk feels this is a good idea.

trinker avatar Sep 24 '14 15:09 trinker

Create a .bib file of the packages you have in your library:

bib_grab <- function(x) {
    m <- capture.output(p_citation(x)[[1]])
    bibstart <- grepl("A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is", m)
    if(!any(bibstart)) return(NULL)
    bibend <- tail(which(grepl("  }", m)), 1)
    m <- substring(m[(which(bibstart)[1]+2):bibend], 3)
    paste(m, collapse = "\n")  

my_r_bibs <- sapply(p_lib(), bib_grab)

cat(paste(my_r_bibs, collapse="\n\n"), file="myR.bib")

trinker avatar Sep 24 '14 15:09 trinker

View the package maintainers you have the most packages of in your local library

pacman::p_load(magrittr, ggplot2)

maintainers <- p_lib() %>% 
    lapply(p_info, fields = "Maintainer") %>% 
    unlist(use.names = FALSE) %>%
    strsplit("\\s<") %>%
    sapply("[[", 1) %>%
    gsub("^'+|'+$", "", .) %>% 
    table() %>% 
    data.frame() %>% 
    setNames(c("Maintainer", "Count")) %>%
    arrange(Count) %>%
    filter(Count > 1)

maintainers[["Maintainer"]] <- factor(maintainers[["Maintainer"]], 

ggplot(maintainers, aes(y=Maintainer, x=Count)) + 

trinker avatar Sep 24 '14 15:09 trinker

Network plot showing relationships between non-base package dependencies

pacman::p_load(qdapTools, igraph)

my_lib_depends <- setNames(lapply(p_lib(),  function(x){
    y <- p_info(x, fields=c("Depends", "Imports"))
    out <- try(p_extract(y), silent = TRUE)
    if (inherits(out, "try-error")) return(NULL)
}), p_lib())

my_lib_depends <- my_lib_depends[!sapply(my_lib_depends, is.null)]
my_lib_depends <- list2df(my_lib_depends, "dependency", "package")[, 2:1]

base <- c(p_base(TRUE), "R")

g <-[
    !1:nrow(my_lib_depends) %in% unique(unlist(lapply(my_lib_depends, function(x) {
        which(x %in% base)

V(g)$color <- NA
V(g)$frame.color <- NA
V(g)$label.color <- "grey80"
V(g)$label.size <- 16
E(g)$color <- "grey50"

par(bg="black", mar=rep(0, 4))
plot(g, margin=c(0, 0, 0, 0),

trinker avatar Sep 25 '14 00:09 trinker

Load non exported functions into the global environment:

setdiff(p_funs(pacman, TRUE), p_funs(pacman, FALSE))

p_get_nonexported <- function(package, pos=1) {
    invisible(lapply(setdiff(p_funs(package, TRUE, TRUE), 
        p_funs(package, FALSE, TRUE)), function(x) {
        assign(x, eval(parse(text=paste0(package, ":::", x))), pos)


trinker avatar Oct 04 '14 03:10 trinker