Epic_Kitchens_Object_Detector_Detectron copied to clipboard
Epic Kitchens Object Detector and Feature Extractor using Faster-RCNN with Detectron2
Epic Kitchens Object Detector with Detectron2
For the previous working version using python2 and detectron (of the object feature extractor only), refer to the python2 branch.
Detect Objects in the Epic Kitchens dataset using Faster-RCNN as the backbone and the Detectron library.
The python2 version is deprecated.
Update: I stopped working on the feature extraction module for this project.
Getting Started
Clone the repo and set it up in your local drive.
git clone https://github.com/tridivb/Epic_Kitchens_Object_Detector_Detectron.git
- Nvidia Graphics Drivers compatible with Cuda 10
- Python >= 3.6
- Pytorch >= 1.3
The object frames of the Epic Kitchens Dataset should be downloaded and the folder hierarchy should be in the following way, whis is also the default hierarchy of the dataset:
|---<path to epic kitchens>
| |---annotations
| | |---EPIC_test_s1_object_video_list.csv
| | |---EPIC_test_s2_object_video_list.csv
| | |---EPIC_train_object_labels.csv
| | |---.
| | |---.
| |---EPIC_KITCHENS_2018
| | |---object_detection_images
| | | |---rgb
| | | | |---train
| | | | | |---P01
| | | | | | |---P01_01
| | | | | | | |---frame0000000001.jpg
| | | | | | | |---.
| | | | | | | |---.
| | | | | | |---.
| | | | | | |---.
| | | | |---test
| | | | | |---P02
| | | | | | |---P02_12
| | | | | | | |---frame0000000001.jpg
| | | | | | | |---.
| | | | | | | |---.
| | | | | | |---.
| | | | | | |---.
Navigate to the Epic_Kitchens_Object_Detector_Detectron directory
cd <path to repo>/Epic_Kitchens_Object_Detector_Detectron
Setup the virtual python environment in your preferred way using virtualenv or conda. Then install the required packages using the requirements.txt file.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Install Detectron2 by following the instructions provided in INSTALL.md
Please note, the docker configuration is not yet ready, so it will not work for now.
Configure the paramters
Set the paths and parameters in the config/faster_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml file.
Alternatively, if you want git to ignore the modified config file, copy it and rename the config file as <new_name>_local.yaml.
cp config/faster_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x.yaml config/faster_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x_local.yaml
The current set of parameters in the config are similar to the ones provided for the baseline in the Epic-Kitchens paper.
The model can be trained on the full training set using the script train_epic_kitchens.py
cd <path to repo>/Epic_Kitchens_Object_Detector_Detectron
python train_epic_kitchens.py --config-file config/<config_file>.yaml --root-dir <path_to_Epic_Kitchens_rgb_frames> --ann-dir <path_to_Epic_Kitchens_annotation_files>
For a comprehensive list of arguments available, run:
python train_epic_kitchens.py --help
The script does not yet support custom training and validation.
The script infer_epic_kitchens.sh
is provided to run the inference on the test object frames of Epic Kitchens. To run the inference, simply run
this script as follows:
cd <path to repo>/Epic_Kitchens_Object_Detector_Detectron
python infer_epic_kitchens.py --config-file config/<config_file>.yaml --root-dir <path_to_Epic_Kitchens_rgb_frames> --ann-dir <path_to_Epic_Kitchens_annotation_files>
The script does not yet support running inference on a custom set of videos. However you can always modify the annotation files
and/or EPIC_test_s2_object_video_list.csv
to specify which videos you want to infer for.
The feature extraction module is also not ready yet.
The detections of the test frames are saved in the default submission format for the Object Detection Challenge:
|---<path to output>
| |---seen.json
| |---unseen.json
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Please note, Detectron2 is licensed under Apache2.0. Please respect the original licenses as well.
@INPROCEEDINGS{Damen2018EPICKITCHENS, title={Scaling Egocentric Vision: The EPIC-KITCHENS Dataset}, author={Damen, Dima and Doughty, Hazel and Farinella, Giovanni Maria and Fidler, Sanja and Furnari, Antonino and Kazakos, Evangelos and Moltisanti, Davide and Munro, Jonathan and Perrett, Toby and Price, Will and Wray, Michael}, booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)}, year={2018} }
- Detectron2