trickster icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
trickster copied to clipboard

BUG: diffrent request /api/v1/query response same result

Open wu0407 opened this issue 3 years ago • 1 comments

trickster version: v1.1.5 Use trickster in frontend of VictoriaMetrics, set vmalert datasource use trickster. when vmalert send sequence request diffrent /api/v1/query in one tcp connection, trickster response same cache reult.

+---------------------+             +---------------------+              +---------------------+
|                     |             |                     |              |                     |
|       vmalert       |--------------       trickster     ----------------         vmselect    |
|                     |             |                     |              |                     |
+---------------------+             +---------------------+              +---------------------+

trickster configure:

  trickster.conf: |-

    listen_port = 8480
    connections_limit = 0


      cache_type = "redis"

        client_type = "cluster"
        password = "bFdfkKWSbT"
        endpoints = [ 'redis-cluster-0.redis-cluster-headless.victoria:6379', 'redis-cluster-1.redis-cluster-headless.victoria:6379', 'redis-cluster-2.redis-cluster-headless.victoria:6379' ]


      origin_type = "prometheus"
      origin_url = "http://vmselect-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack.victoria.svc:8481/select/0/prometheus"
      health_check_upstream_path = "/select/0/prometheus/api/v1/query"

    listen_port = 8481

    log_level = "debug"

trickster configure dump:

  instance_id = 0
  config_handler_path = "/trickster/config"
  ping_handler_path = "/trickster/ping"
  reload_handler_path = "/trickster/config/reload"
  health_handler_path = "/trickster/health"
  pprof_server = "both"
  server_name = "trickster-6d669ccbfc-bv7n2"

    origin_type = "prometheus"
    origin_url = "http://vmselect-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack.victoria.svc:8481/select/0/prometheus"
    timeout_secs = 180
    keep_alive_timeout_secs = 300
    max_idle_conns = 20
    cache_name = "default"
    cache_key_prefix = "vmselect-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack.victoria.svc:8481"
    health_check_upstream_path = "/select/0/prometheus/api/v1/query"
    health_check_verb = "GET"
    health_check_query = "query=up"
    timeseries_retention_factor = 1024
    timeseries_eviction_method = "oldest"
    backfill_tolerance_secs = 0
    negative_cache_name = "default"
    timeseries_ttl_secs = 21600
    fastforward_ttl_secs = 15
    max_ttl_secs = 86400
    revalidation_factor = 2.0
    max_object_size_bytes = 524288
    compressable_types = ["text/html", "text/javascript", "text/css", "text/plain", "text/xml", "text/json", "application/json", "application/javascript", "application/xml"]
    tracing_name = "default"
    rule_name = ""
    req_rewriter_name = ""
    forwarded_headers = "standard"
    is_default = true
    fast_forward_disable = false
    path_routing_disabled = false
    require_tls = false
    multipart_ranges_disabled = false
    dearticulate_upstream_ranges = false
        path = "/"
        match_type = "prefix"
        handler = "proxy"
        methods = ["GET", "POST"]
        cache_key_params = []
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
        path = "/api/v1/"
        match_type = "prefix"
        handler = "proxy"
        methods = ["GET", "POST"]
        cache_key_params = []
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
        path = "/api/v1/alertmanagers"
        match_type = "exact"
        handler = "proxycache"
        methods = ["GET"]
        cache_key_params = []
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
        path = "/api/v1/alerts"
        match_type = "exact"
        handler = "proxycache"
        methods = ["GET"]
        cache_key_params = []
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
        path = "/api/v1/label/"
        match_type = "prefix"
        handler = "proxycache"
        methods = ["GET"]
        cache_key_params = []
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
        path = "/api/v1/labels"
        match_type = "exact"
        handler = "proxycache"
        methods = ["GET", "POST"]
        cache_key_params = []
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
        path = "/api/v1/query"
        match_type = "exact"
        handler = "query"
        methods = ["GET", "POST"]
        cache_key_params = ["query", "time"]
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
        path = "/api/v1/query_range"
        match_type = "exact"
        handler = "query_range"
        methods = ["GET", "POST"]
        cache_key_params = ["query", "step"]
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=21600"
        path = "/api/v1/rules"
        match_type = "exact"
        handler = "proxycache"
        methods = ["GET"]
        cache_key_params = []
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
        path = "/api/v1/series"
        match_type = "exact"
        handler = "series"
        methods = ["GET", "POST"]
        cache_key_params = ["match[]", "start", "end"]
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
        path = "/api/v1/status"
        match_type = "prefix"
        handler = "proxycache"
        methods = ["GET"]
        cache_key_params = []
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
        path = "/api/v1/targets"
        match_type = "exact"
        handler = "proxycache"
        methods = ["GET"]
        cache_key_params = []
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
        path = "/api/v1/targets/metadata"
        match_type = "exact"
        handler = "proxycache"
        methods = ["GET"]
        cache_key_params = ["match_target", "metric", "limit"]
        cache_key_headers = []
        cache_key_form_fields = []
        response_code = 0
        response_body = ""
        collapsed_forwarding = ""
        req_rewriter_name = ""
        no_metrics = false
          Cache-Control = "s-maxage=30"
      full_chain_cert_path = ""
      private_key_path = ""
      insecure_skip_verify = false
      client_cert_path = ""
      client_key_path = ""

    cache_type = "redis"
      reap_interval_secs = 3
      flush_interval_secs = 5
      max_size_bytes = 536870912
      max_size_backoff_bytes = 16777216
      max_size_objects = 0
      max_size_backoff_objects = 100
      client_type = "cluster"
      protocol = "tcp"
      endpoint = "redis:6379"
      endpoints = ["redis-cluster-0.redis-cluster-headless.victoria:6379", "redis-cluster-1.redis-cluster-headless.victoria:6379", "redis-cluster-2.redis-cluster-headless.victoria:6379"]
      password = "*****"
      sentinel_master = ""
      db = 0
      max_retries = 0
      min_retry_backoff_ms = 0
      max_retry_backoff_ms = 0
      dial_timeout_ms = 0
      read_timeout_ms = 0
      write_timeout_ms = 0
      pool_size = 0
      min_idle_conns = 0
      max_conn_age_ms = 0
      pool_timeout_ms = 0
      idle_timeout_ms = 0
      idle_check_frequency_ms = 0
      cache_path = "/tmp/trickster"
      filename = "trickster.db"
      bucket = "trickster"
      directory = "/tmp/trickster"
      value_directory = "/tmp/trickster"

  listen_address = ""
  listen_port = 8480
  tls_listen_address = ""
  tls_listen_port = 8483
  connections_limit = 0

  log_file = ""
  log_level = "debug"

  listen_address = ""
  listen_port = 8481

    tracer_type = "none"
    service_name = "trickster"
    collector_url = ""
    collector_user = ""
    collector_pass = ""
    sample_rate = 1.0
      pretty_print = false
      endpoint_type = ""


  listen_address = ""
  listen_port = 8484
  handler_path = "/trickster/config/reload"
  drain_timeout_secs = 30
  rate_limit_secs = 3

tcpdump http flow:

POST /api/v1/query?query=kube_hpa_status_condition%7Bcondition%3D%22AbleToScale%22%2C+status%3D%22false%22%7D+%2A+on%28hpa%2Cnamespace%29++group_left%28label_app%29+kube_hpa_labels+%3D%3D+1&step=15s&time=1635906330 HTTP/1.1
Host: trickster.victoria.svc:8480
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Cache-Control: s-maxage=30
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Server-Hostname: vmselect-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack-2
X-Trickster-Result: engine=ObjectProxyCache; status=hit
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2021 02:25:37 GMT
Content-Length: 346

{"status":"success","isPartial":false,"data":{"resultType":"vector","result":[{"metric":{"backend":"","cluster":"k8s-online-victoria"},"value":[1635906315,"4168.1701488"]},{"metric":{"backend":"","cluster":"k8s-online-victoria"},"value":[1635906315,"325.85644152"]},{"metric":{"backend":"","cluster":"k8scs1-online-sh5-victoria"},"value":[1635906315,"282.73285584"]},{"metric":{"backend":"","cluster":"k8s-online-victoria"},"value":[1635906315,"21234.966215028002"]},{"metric":{"backend":"","cluster":"k8s-online-victoria"},"value":[1635906315,"1774.2817677599999"]},{"metric":{"backend":"","cluster":"k8s-online-victoria"},"value":[1635906315,"828222.4420423079"]},{"metric":{"backend":"","cluster":"k8s-online-victoria"},"value":[1635906315,"129.67017696"]}]}}POST /api/v1/query?query=absent%28up%7Bjob%3D%22kube-controller-manager%22%7D+%3D%3D+1%29&step=15s&time=1635906330 HTTP/1.1
Host: trickster.victoria.svc:8480
User-Agent: Go-http-client/1.1
Content-Length: 0
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Accept-Encoding: gzip

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Cache-Control: s-maxage=30
Content-Encoding: gzip
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Vary: Accept-Encoding
X-Server-Hostname: vmselect-victoria-metrics-k8s-stack-2
X-Trickster-Result: engine=ObjectProxyCache; status=hit
Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2021 02:25:37 GMT
Content-Length: 346


wu0407 avatar Nov 03 '21 03:11 wu0407

Test in v2.0.0-beta2 same result

wu0407 avatar Nov 08 '21 03:11 wu0407