vim-transparent copied to clipboard
Works but brings up an error message every time I start vim
Error detected while processing VimEnter Autoco
mmands for "*"..function background#clear_backg
round[17]..<SNR>30_clear_bg[12]..VimEnter Autoc
ommands for "*"..function background#clear_back
line 9:
E492: Not an editor command: ctermfg=81 guifg=
#CDD6F4 ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE
Press ENTER or type command to continue
Using Vim 9.1 on Arch Linux with Pathogen and Powerline, no other plugins.
Once I press enter it brings me to vim with the background transparent and it works fine, but I have to dismiss this error message every time I use vim. Do you know what's going on with this and how I can get rid of the error?
This appears to have been a conflict with Powerline. I just switched from Powerline to Airline and it works perfectly, no error message now. So the problem is resolved for me, but in case this is something you want to look into, I'll leave the issue open for now?
Never mind—the error message is back!
Could you check the output when you type command :hi Normal ctermfg=81 guifg=#CDD6F4 ctermbg=NONE guibg=NONE
So the error seems to happen inconsistently when I open vim. I'm not sure what triggers it. I just opened vim now without an error, and the command works fine. I will try next time I get the error and report back.
Ok, I noticed that it's more likely to happen if I open up a second vim session at the same time as an existing one, so I managed to trigger it by opening two vim sessions at once on two different files. I then ran that command and didn't get any output. The command seemed to work fine. I saw my terminal emulator (Alacritty) briefly flash, I assume to reset the background, and then just go back to being a transparent background (which it was before, like I said I'm still getting a transparent background I'm just also getting the error).