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Qt6 Configuration Tool

Results 24 qt6ct issues
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I have an issue using `qt6ct` with qt creator. It correctly set's icon theme and color theme to make creator operate effectively on GNOME, including allowing me to style the...

How can I set the cursor theme? I have installed [nordzy-cursors](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/nordzy-cursors) and copied `/usr/share/icons/nordzy-cursors` into both `~/.local/share/icons` and `~/.icons`, but still it doesn't show up in qt6ct's "Icon theme" tab...

When using the above environment variable, the bold text (either set by Qt Designer or `` tags) appears fuzzy. Notice the QRadioButton labels on the left and the rightmost labels....

Currently when a palette is set by qt6ct, it can in some cases override an app-specific palette. It would be nice if qt6ct would only set the platform palette (i.e....

Hey everyone :-) Just wondering if some command line argument functionality could be added so I can control the application with scripting. Specifically I am interesting in scripting some day/night...

KDE applications are a notable part of the popular Qt software in the Linux world. Sadly, they have their own theming add-ons that are applied through QPlatformTheme. This adds support...

The qtpaths-based deduction code doesn't really work for all systems, notably NixOS.

I mean, what happens in `colors/*.conf` is not clear at all. I searched everywhere and didn't find a single note on how to select the colors for your own theme....

When you have qt6ct and kvantum installed, what would usually happen is that qt6ct shows kvantum as an available option in the drop-down menu in the "appearance" tab to use...

I've used qt5ct and qt6ct to set custom styles for my qt apps, this works great for most apps and I've been using that. But there's a bit of snag,...