connect-mongodb copied to clipboard
SessionStorage for connect's session middleware
Anybody (apart from me) ever seen a need for the following optional functionality 'afterReap' see here in afterReap: is an optional function passed in as an argument to return...
Hello, please help me with this problem my code: app.use(express.session({ secret: 'keyboard cat', cookie: { maxAge: 60_60_2 }, store: new mongoStore( { db:db } ) })); and when i call:...
MongoDB 1.1.10 requires you to explicitly set `safe` in the db_options. You can set it to false. If you don't set it, this annoying message pops up: Right now...
The connect-mongodb module works with mongodb driver 1.02 and below, but not with any version above that. Additional discussion here:
I'm looking for the 'sessions' collection. Everything works perfect, yet I fail to find that collection. I suspect some caching mechanism. Should I .save() in order to see the collection?...
Makes the functionality expected from calling actually happen by waiting for the response from the database before calling the callback function. For instance, if I want to set a...
Hi - just wondering, since express 3 is coming soon...