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🆙 A React hook that serializes state into the URL query string


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A React hook that serializes state into the URL query string

  • Installation
  • Usage
  • Configuration
    • parseOptions
    • stringifyOptions
  • Examples
    • Gatsby example
    • Practical example
    • An example using context
  • License


$ npm install use-query-string


Given a location object and a history updater function, this hook will return an array who's first element is an object representing the current URL query string. The second element in the array is a function that serializes an object into the query string and updates the former query object.

import useQueryString from 'use-query-string';

const [query, setQuery] = useQueryString(location, updateQuery);

The first argument passed to the hook is a Location object, and the second is a history-updating function with the following signature:

(path: string): void => {
  // update the browser history



You can supply an optional third argument to the hook that gets passed along as options to the parse function. These allow you to do things like automatically convert values to numbers or booleans, when appropriate. See the query-string docs for all of the accepted options.

const [query, setQuery] = useQueryString(
    parseNumbers: true,
    parseBooleans: true


You can also pass a fourth argument to the hook that gets used as options for the stringify function that serializes your state. This is especially useful if you need to serialize/deserialize arrays a way other than the default. See the query-string docs for all of the accepted options.

const arrayFormat = 'comma';
const [query, setQuery] = useQueryString(
    skipNull: true,


In this example, you'll see a component using the query string to serialize some state about a selected color. The component uses the global Location object, and a function that calls History.pushState to update the page URL.

import React from 'react';
import useQueryString from 'use-query-string';

function updateQuery(path) {
  window.history.pushState(null, document.title, path);

function ColorPicker() {
  const [{color}, setQuery] = useQueryString(

  function handleColorChange(event) {

  return (
      <p style={{color}}>Color is {color}</p>
      <select value={color} onChange={handleColorChange}>
        <option value="red">Red</option>
        <option value="blue">Blue</option>

Gatsby example

If you're using Gatsby, you could pass props.location and the navigate helper function from Gatsby Link as arguments to the hook.

// pages/index.js
import React from 'react';
import useQueryString from 'use-query-string';
import {navigate} from 'gatsby';

function Home(props) {
  const [query, setQuery] = useQueryString(
    props.location, // pages are given a location object via props

  // ...the rest of your page

Practical example

The following CodeSandbox contains an example for working with multiple boolean filters that change something in the page and persist between reloads.

Edit zen-stallman-6r908

An example using context

When building a complex app, you may have multiple components within a page that need to read from and write to the query string. In these cases, using a useQueryString hook in each component will cause your query string to fall out of sync, since each invocation of the hook manages its own internal state.

To avoid this issue, use context to pass query and setQuery to descendant components within a page.

// src/pages/billing.js
import React, {createContext, useContext} from 'react';
import useQueryString from 'use-query-string';
import {navigate} from 'gatsby';

// create context to use in parent and child components
const QueryStringContext = createContext();

export default function Billing(props) {
  const [query, setQuery] = useQueryString(props.location, navigate);
  return (
    <QueryStringContext.Provider value={{query, setQuery}}>
        <FilterInput name="client" />
        <FilterInput name="industry" />
        <FilterInput name="email" />
      {/* render table of filtered data */}

function FilterInput(props) {
  const {query, setQuery} = useContext(QueryStringContext);

  function handleChange(event) {
    const {name, value} =;
    setQuery({[name]: value});

  return (

Edit Nested components example
