dotris icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dotris copied to clipboard

A mini Tetris clone made with dots


Mini Tetris made with dots


  • How To Play
    • Controls
    • Terminal Zoom
  • Mechanics
    • Scoring
    • Levels
  • Troubleshooting
  • Installing
  • Building
    • GCC/Clang
    • GNU Make

How To Play


Key Description
Left Arrow Move left
Right Arrow Move right
Up Arrow Rotate clockwise
Down Arrow Soft drop (move down)
Spacebar Hard drop
C Hold Tetrimino / Restore Held
Q Quit game

Terminal Zoom

It is helpful if you increase the font size in your terminal emulator for a "regular" sized game.



The scoring is based on the BPS version of Tetris:

Lines Points
1 40
2 100
3 300
4 (tetris) 1200

If the piece used to clear was hard dropped you get 1 point per row added to the point amount.

Each level acts as a multiplier to the above table; i.e on level two, clearing one line is 80.


Every 10 lines cleared the speed of the falling piece increases by 40% and the grid is wiped.


If the pieces are not rendering correctly (weird spacing between dots), you will probably need to install another font that has custom Braille pattern characters.

Some fonts that have decent characters for Tetris pieces: Terminus, Cozette, Spleen

If you use Kitty terminal emulator, these characters will be rendered programmatically, not using the configured font.


Currently only available through the AUR.


git clone && cd dotris


$(CC) -lncursesw -Iinclude/ src/main.c src/tetriminos.c src/grid.c -o dotris

GNU Make

# or
# sudo make install

Now you can run the dotris binary



Generating clangd metadata with bear:

bear -- make