jQuery-Timepicker-Addon copied to clipboard
Doesn`t work after multiple appends
i like your Plugin and i use it on a long time but now i have a problem :( I use it for set a start and a end date with a time but i have multiple rows...
My default row (template)
<div id="newDisRow" class="cal" style="display:none;">
<input type="hidden" name="dis_id[]" value="new" />
<input type="hidden" name="dis_aid[]" value="<?php echo $this->aid; ?>" />
<span><input name="dis_start[]" type="text" class="dateInput dateFrom required" value="" /></span>
<span><input name="dis_end[]" type="text" class="dateInput dateTo required"value="" /></span>
<span><input name="dis_dis[]" type="number" step="any required" value="" /></span>
<select name="dis_b2c[]">
<option value="1" selected="SELECTED">Ja</option>
<option value="0">Nein</option>
<select name="dis_b2b[]">
<option value="1">Ja</option>
<option value="0" selected="SELECTED">Nein</option>
<a class="ui-button only-icon remSetupRow" data-icon="trash" href="#" tabindex="-1"></a>
On top of this row i have a php foreach to load exists items from database and on bottom of my list of dates i have a button to add a new row, This button cloned this default row and put to my div...
that is on my $(document).ready(function() :
/** add new qd */
$('#addDis').on('click', function(e){
var newRow = $('#newDisRow').clone().show(), // .removeAttr('id')
pickerID = $("#disList > div").length;
newRow.find('.dateFrom').attr('id', 'dateFrom_'+pickerID);
newRow.find('.dateTo').attr('id', 'dateTo_'+pickerID);
$('#disList').append( newRow );
$('body').on('focus','.dateInput', function(){
var el = this;
if( $(el).hasClass('hasDatepicker') === false ) {
timeFormat: 'HH:mm',
timeInput: true,
stepHour: 1,
stepMinute: 15,
constrainInput: false,
// altFieldTimeOnly: false,
beforeShow: function(input, inst) { inst.dpDiv.addClass('qdDate'); }
On the first klick will work all fine but at the next click not more :( If i have luck will one of both dateInput work if not then work no picker and i get not a error or callback :(