jQuery-Timepicker-Addon copied to clipboard
uncaught exception: no such method 'value' for slider widget instance
Hi all,
I try to use your addon in a jquery mobile web site (http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.0/jquery.mobile-1.0.min.js)
By clicking on the field, I get a "uncaught exception: no such method 'value' for slider widget instance".
Any help is very welcome.
I had an incremental update happening for the slider to status using jQ (via value), specific to JQ UI sliders. JQM appears to be substantially behind standard jQuery/UI functionality.
Kindly ensure that you are using the right version of JQ UI. my settings: JQ 1.8.2 + JQ UI 1.9.2 + JQM 1.3.1. The problem surfaced only when using an upgraded version of JQ UI to work with JQ 1.8.2.
I am having the same issue as above "Uncaught Error: no such method 'value' for slider widget instance" and I am using the JQ versions that you have posted.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.9.2/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/mobile/1.3.1/jquery.mobile-1.3.1.min.js"></script>
This is with version 1.3 of the addon.
Any advise would be appreciated
According to the current jQuery UI Roadmap, the slider component in jQuery UI will be merged with JQM in jQuery UI 1.12.
In the meantime, the slider components from both libs are incompatible, because they occupy the same namespace, and you can't access the value of the slider via element.slider("value")
Also, there is a logical difference between the two sliders. JUI marks up a div to provider a slider UI, where as JQM attaches a slider UI to a input field.
Interesting to note, in jQuery UI 1.13 there are plans to rewrite the datepicker to make useful for mobile.
Kindly ensure that you are using the right version of JQ UI. my settings: JQ 1.8.2 + JQ UI 1.9.2 + JQM 1.3.1. The problem surfaced only when using an upgraded version of JQ UI to work with JQ 1.8.2. is perfectly working
@vgaurav16, the combination of JQ 1.8.2 + JQ UI 1.9.2 and JQM 1.3.1 still has the same issue.
Here is a jsfiddle, using the specific versions stated, and the error still occurs. [http://jsfiddle.net/reubenhelms/CdeXJ/3/]
Any update or solution on this?
This is the best looking/working picker I've seen, unfortunately it fails when used on a pack that also uses JQM sliders. Any update on if or when that might be fixed?
HI All,
I know its an old one but maybe it will help someone.
the problem is with the timepicker value function at lines 1058
Please change this:
value: function (tp_inst, obj, unit, val) { if (tp_inst._defaults.isRTL) { if (val !== undefined) { return obj.slider('value', val * -1); } return Math.abs(obj.slider( 'value')); } if (val !== undefined) { return obj.slider('value', val); } return obj.slider( 'value'); }
into this:
value: function (tp_inst, obj, unit, val) { if (tp_inst._defaults.isRTL) { if (val !== undefined) { return obj.slider( "option", "value", val * -1); } return Math.abs(obj.slider( "option", "value")); } if (val !== undefined) { return obj.slider( "option", "value", val); } return obj.slider( "option", "value"); }