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The AntiMap is an Open Source creative toolset for recording and visualising your own data. The project currently consists of a smart phone utility application (AntiMap Log) for data capture, and a co...
The AntiMap is an Open Source creative toolset for recording and visualising your own data. The project currently consists of a smart phone utility application (AntiMap Log) for data capture, and a couple of web/desktop applications (AntiMap Simple and AntiMap Video) for post analysis and data visualisation.
About AntiMap Log##
AntiMap Log is a smart phone utility application for ‘recording’ your own data.
- Created in Processing 1.5.
- Requires: Android SDK (
- Libraries: apwidgets.jar ( & triangulate.jar ( to be added to the 'code' folder.
- Created in Openframeworks 007.
- Addons: ofxTBiPhone, ofxTBDelaunay, MSAShape3D (
- Custom properties to add: Under TARGETS > AntiMapLog, under the 'Info' tab, where it says 'Custom IOS Target Properties' you need to add 'Application supports iTunes file sharing' and set to 'YES'.
About AntiMap Simple##
AntiMap Simple is a HTML5/ProcessingJS demo that visualises data from the AntiMap Log mobile application. To test it out on your local machine you need to be running localhost, or alternatively upload somewhere.
- Sample data from AntiMap Log mobile application- "040811_1153_30.csv".
- Inline processingjs code in the index.html (doesn't require Processing app to edit)
- AntiMapSimple.pde for editing in Processing
- processing-1.3.6.js library
If you don't want to work with the inline processingjs code, switch the commented out bits in the index.html so it loads the AntiMapSimple.pde directly: