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Utility for quickly finding cloudwatch logs surrounding an lambda error
Utility for quickly finding cloudwatch logs surrounding an lambda error
npm install -g lambda-error-hound
lambda-error-hound error -f myfunctionwitherrors
Lambda error hounds has three modes, error, group and list
This is a convenience operation. It lists either Lambda functions or Cloudwatch log groups.
lambda-error-hound list -f
lists all Lambda functions.
lambda-error-hound list -g
lists all CloudWatch log groups
Finds CloudWatch error metrics for the specified function in the specified time interval. Then it pulls logs from the corresponding log group's log streams.
-r, --region aws region to use
This is required if the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable is not set.
-f, --functionName Lambda function name [required]
Lambda function
-s, --startDate search starting date/time [default: (yesterday)]
Beginning date in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss in local time.
-e, --endDate search upto date/time [default: (now)]
Ending date in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss in local time.
-i, --inteval search previous n minutes
Sets start time to n minutes in the past
-a, --after minutes of logs after error to find [default: 1]
For every error found get all logs from this many minutes after the time of the error metric. This should be greater then the run time of the function.
-b, --before minutes of logs before error to find [default: 1]
For every error found get all logs from this many minutes after the time of the error metric.
-k, --skip number of errors to skip [default: 0]
Skip this many errors. Useful if you have hundreds of errors and only want to look at a few at a time.
-t, --take number of errors to find logs for [default: 5]
Look at this many errors. Useful if you have hundreds of errors and only want to look at a few at a time.
Get Cloudwatch logs from a log group for a specific timeframe.
-r, --region aws region to use
This is required if the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable is not set.
-g, --group log group to search [required]
Aws Cloudwatch Log group to get logs from. Don't forget leading /
if it exists
-s, --startDate search starting date/time [default: (yesterday)]
Beginning date in format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss in local time.
-a, --after minutes of logs to get [default: 10]
Number of minutes of logs to get.
Lambda Error Hound uses the aws nodejs sdk with out specifying credentials. This means that the sdk will look for credentials in the following order.
- Environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, and optionally AWS_SESSION_TOKEN
- If AWS_PROFILE is set that profile is used from the ~/.aws/config file.
- EC2 Instance metadata