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Conflicting objects UI error is misleading
UI error for conflict is misleading. By design that's conflict (changes to both right and left commits). I think the diff should not be visible for non-diffable objects (non csv, txt, tsv).
2 Options I can think of:
- Remove the 'show changes' button completely
- Change the error to a warning message stating "Unsupported file type for diff"
@itaiad200 @ozkatz (for product perspective). Your thoughts?
I think that we should stay consistent: non conflicting changes would show a content diff for txt,csv,... and the amount of bytes added/removed for other non-humanly-diffable formats.
We're already doing the first part for conflict, why not the second?
@ozkatz The question is how we should behave with conflicting changes that are currently not diffable (non human readable). We can't really show the number of bytes added/removed since the file changed in both source and dest (potentially we can get a negative value), I think it also doesn't provide any added value to the user.
yes, summing the values indeed makes little sense. however showing size in bytes for source and for destination could be helpful (i.e. if big_data.parquet
is 40bytes on source but 150MB on destination, that's useful when trying to decide which version to take)
Sounds legit, do we want to add an informative message (as suggested above) in addition to the size change information?
Without Diff:
With Diff: