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Macro prevents correct parsing of class

Open theHamsta opened this issue 4 years ago • 15 comments

An imported marco (I simplified the source file), prevented the correct parsing of the following class.

#include <GLFW/glfw3.h>


class Scene


I know that in the presence of macro a parser almost has no chance to understand C++, but I hope that this failure case may be useful for improving the parser.

translation_unit [3, 0] - [15, 0])
  preproc_include [3, 0] - [6, 0])
    path: system_lib_string [3, 9] - [3, 23])
  declaration [6, 0] - [11, 2])
    type: type_identifier [6, 0] - [6, 29])
    ERROR [8, 0] - [8, 5])
      identifier [8, 0] - [8, 5])
    declarator: init_declarator [8, 6] - [11, 1])
      declarator: identifier [8, 6] - [8, 11])
      value: initializer_list [9, 0] - [11, 1])

theHamsta avatar Jun 27 '20 21:06 theHamsta

Simillar behavior can be caused by the following code:

class EXPORT_API MyClass

Where EXPORT_API is a macro that is used to export class functions to DLLs on Windows on Windows and expands to nothing on Linux.

Shatur avatar Jun 12 '21 22:06 Shatur

I'll add something as well:

#include "doctest/doctest.h" 
TEST_CASE_TEMPLATE("Some Test", T, float, double)

Generates this:

translation_unit [0, 0] - [5, 0]
  preproc_include [0, 0] - [1, 0]
    path: string_literal [0, 9] - [0, 28]
  ERROR [2, 0] - [4, 1]
    identifier [2, 0] - [2, 18]
    string_literal [2, 19] - [2, 30]
    identifier [2, 32] - [2, 33]
    ERROR [2, 35] - [2, 49]
      primitive_type [2, 35] - [2, 40]
      primitive_type [2, 42] - [2, 48]
    initializer_list [3, 0] - [4, 1]

I'm not sure if that is in any way detectable. But I wanted to report it, as it breaks my syntax highlighting in some cases.

ner0-m avatar Aug 21 '21 17:08 ner0-m

I understand thst its impossible to detect macros in such a grammar since it's not hooked into the preprocessor. Would there be any way to let the end user manually define a list of strings that are always macros? My company only uses a handful, so it would be easy to define, and it would be great to have them not break the rest of the file.

MarcelRobitaille avatar Mar 05 '24 17:03 MarcelRobitaille

@maxbrunsfeld would be nice indeed for C/C++ to provide a way to customize the parser to accept those macros. I don't really know how to do that though with the way the parsers are written.

aryx avatar Mar 06 '24 08:03 aryx

Would it be possible to do this with an injection?

MarcelRobitaille avatar Mar 09 '24 16:03 MarcelRobitaille

Hey, is there any update? This behavior is really annoying, I work in repos where a namespace macro is common, thus breaking all the highlighting there is. It would already be nice if we could ignore those macros somehow. Is there any solution?

deeedob avatar Apr 17 '24 13:04 deeedob

@deeedob The best solution I found was to fork the project and add support for some hard-coded macros. Hopefully something better will come like

MarcelRobitaille avatar Apr 17 '24 14:04 MarcelRobitaille

Well, i ditched tree-sitter-based features for the most part and use LSP semantic tokens instead. It's probably slower, but also nicer. You can have different Highlight groups for local variables vs. global variables vs. fields and such. All i had to do to make it work is use a color scheme with semantic token support.

I still have tree-sitter around for some other plugins, like lukas-reineke/indent-blankline.nvim, to get visual highlights for an entire scope or control-flow construct. Works ok so far

ImmanuelHaffner avatar Apr 17 '24 15:04 ImmanuelHaffner

@ImmanuelHaffner What LSP do you use? I haven't found a good one for c++

MarcelRobitaille avatar Apr 17 '24 16:04 MarcelRobitaille