tree-sitter-c-sharp copied to clipboard
Can we improve the highlight groups?
Here is a screenshot from my neovim, comparing c-sharp highlight with c++ highlight
I have two issues with c-sharp's highlight
- local variable and member variable are the same
- a member function call and a function declaration are the same
I could try and fix this, but, do you use tokyo night? My highlight's a bit different..I have the difference between a local variable and variable member, but not with function defs/calls.
If you can show the different highlight groups under the cursor at each important position, that'd help for sure
You can use a function like this:
---Show all the items at a given buffer position.
---Can also be shown with `:Inspect`. *:Inspect*
---@param bufnr? number defaults to the current buffer
---@param row? number row to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the row of the current cursor
---@param col? number col to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the col of the current cursor
---@param filter? InspectorFilter (table|nil) see |vim.inspect_pos()|
function vim.show_pos(bufnr, row, col, filter)
local items = vim.inspect_pos(bufnr, row, col, filter)
local lines = { {} }
local function append(str, hl)
table.insert(lines[#lines], { str, hl })
local function nl()
table.insert(lines, {})
local function item(data, comment)
append(' - ')
append(data.hl_group, data.hl_group)
append(' ')
if data.hl_group ~= data.hl_group_link then
append('links to ', 'MoreMsg')
append(data.hl_group_link, data.hl_group_link)
append(' ')
if comment then
append(comment, 'Comment')
-- treesitter
if #items.treesitter > 0 then
append('Treesitter', 'Title')
for _, capture in ipairs(items.treesitter) do
item(capture, capture.lang)
if #items.semantic_tokens > 0 then
append('Semantic Tokens', 'Title')
for _, token in ipairs(items.semantic_tokens) do
local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(token.client_id)
client = client and (' (' .. .. ')') or ''
item(token.hl_groups.type, 'type' .. client)
for _, modifier in ipairs(token.hl_groups.modifiers) do
item(modifier, 'modifier' .. client)
-- syntax
if #items.syntax > 0 then
append('Syntax', 'Title')
for _, syn in ipairs(items.syntax) do
-- extmarks
if #items.extmarks > 0 then
append('Extmarks', 'Title')
for _, extmark in ipairs(items.extmarks) do
if extmark.opts.hl_group then
item(extmark.opts, extmark.ns)
append(' - ')
append(extmark.ns, 'Comment')
if #lines[#lines] == 0 then
local chunks = {}
for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
vim.list_extend(chunks, line)
table.insert(chunks, { '\n' })
if #chunks == 0 then
chunks = {
'No items found at position '
.. items.row
.. ','
.. items.col
.. ' in buffer '
.. items.buffer,
vim.api.nvim_echo(chunks, false, {})
and then bind it like so:
-- highlights under cursor
if vim.fn.has("nvim-0.9.0") == 1 then
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>hl", vim.show_pos, { desc = "Highlight Groups at cursor" })
End result:
Just want to make sure we have the same hl groups
I will test it after they officially release 0.9. Thanks
I've added a highlight test generator in this PR, it might help with improving the highlight groups.
I could try and fix this, but, do you use tokyo night? My highlight's a bit different..I have the difference between a local variable and variable member, but not with function defs/calls.
If you can show the different highlight groups under the cursor at each important position, that'd help for sure
You can use a function like this:
---Show all the items at a given buffer position. --- ---Can also be shown with `:Inspect`. *:Inspect* --- ---@param bufnr? number defaults to the current buffer ---@param row? number row to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the row of the current cursor ---@param col? number col to inspect, 0-based. Defaults to the col of the current cursor ---@param filter? InspectorFilter (table|nil) see |vim.inspect_pos()| function vim.show_pos(bufnr, row, col, filter) local items = vim.inspect_pos(bufnr, row, col, filter) local lines = { {} } ---@private local function append(str, hl) table.insert(lines[#lines], { str, hl }) end ---@private local function nl() table.insert(lines, {}) end ---@private local function item(data, comment) append(' - ') append(data.hl_group, data.hl_group) append(' ') if data.hl_group ~= data.hl_group_link then append('links to ', 'MoreMsg') append(data.hl_group_link, data.hl_group_link) append(' ') end if comment then append(comment, 'Comment') end nl() end -- treesitter if #items.treesitter > 0 then append('Treesitter', 'Title') nl() for _, capture in ipairs(items.treesitter) do item(capture, capture.lang) end nl() end if #items.semantic_tokens > 0 then append('Semantic Tokens', 'Title') nl() for _, token in ipairs(items.semantic_tokens) do local client = vim.lsp.get_client_by_id(token.client_id) client = client and (' (' .. .. ')') or '' item(token.hl_groups.type, 'type' .. client) for _, modifier in ipairs(token.hl_groups.modifiers) do item(modifier, 'modifier' .. client) end end nl() end -- syntax if #items.syntax > 0 then append('Syntax', 'Title') nl() for _, syn in ipairs(items.syntax) do item(syn) end nl() end -- extmarks if #items.extmarks > 0 then append('Extmarks', 'Title') nl() for _, extmark in ipairs(items.extmarks) do if extmark.opts.hl_group then item(extmark.opts, extmark.ns) else append(' - ') append(extmark.ns, 'Comment') nl() end end nl() end if #lines[#lines] == 0 then table.remove(lines) end local chunks = {} for _, line in ipairs(lines) do vim.list_extend(chunks, line) table.insert(chunks, { '\n' }) end if #chunks == 0 then chunks = { { 'No items found at position ' .. items.row .. ',' .. items.col .. ' in buffer ' .. items.buffer, }, } end vim.api.nvim_echo(chunks, false, {}) end
and then bind it like so:
-- highlights under cursor if vim.fn.has("nvim-0.9.0") == 1 then vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>hl", vim.show_pos, { desc = "Highlight Groups at cursor" }) end
End result:
Just want to make sure we have the same hl groups
Finally 0.9 is here. Hope it not too late. So I got the same as yours. The one in csharo should be IlluminatedWordWrite, but is reported as IlluminatedWordRead
I've added a highlight test generator in this PR, it might help with improving the highlight groups.
I am still having the problem after upgrading to the lastest nvim and ts:(