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easy auth for reverse proxies

Results 26 external-auth-server issues
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Hey, We have been using image with tag `next` with great success. As we noticed You have released newer version `v0.12.2` we have tried to use it and hit some...

The trivy image scanner has detect several vulnerabilites: `trivy image travisghansen/external-auth-server:v0.12.0 2022-02-21T12:54:15.701+0100 INFO Detected OS: debian 2022-02-21T12:54:15.701+0100 INFO Detecting Debian vulnerabilities... 2022-02-21T12:54:15.713+0100 INFO Number of language-specific files: 1 2022-02-21T12:54:15.713+0100 INFO...

This PR depends on #133, which I'm keen to work with you to resolve. While trying to implement JWT auth we had some issues - Added a bunch of debug...

Hi, we've been playing around with this for a couple of days now and made some improvements you may want. They're mainly concerning logging to allow us to figure out...

Hi there, I wanted to use the initialization vector for the config token encryption with AES. I saw that the support for IV is already there in utils.js https://github.com/travisghansen/external-auth-server/blob/master/src/utils.js#L14 But...

Add capability to optionally configure the EAS_ENCRYPT_IV_SECRET environment variable from helm template. If set, the IV secret will be used in encryption and decryption of the config token.

Hi there, How can we configure this project for local development? Having a guide on how to set up a local development environment could be very beneficial if you are...

Hi there! We are looking to use EAS with an IngressRoute CRD. This achievable, and if so, how?

Hi! I'd like to authenticate users with a simple token given in the URL as get-parameter using traefik 2.4 and eas. The token is generated and stored in MySQL and...

By default `debug` loglevel is showing a lot of secret content, but we would like to get injected headers values for audit purposes.