Travis Glenn Hansen
Travis Glenn Hansen
Hmm, that's kinda odd :( each node should stage before publish. Is stage even being invoked on the problematic node(s)?
That is very helpful info. That also may be very tricky to determine how to properly cope with the scenario. Did you happen to capture what files were in the...
Can you run ls on the globalmount dir next time? I am interested in what’s in there.
Sounds like putting a queue/limit in the driver wouldn’t be much help as TN itself already has an ability to do that? Can anyone here switch to an ssh based...
I think the volume attachments using the new config may help with that yes.
Ok, did you update the csiDriver to ensure attach required etc?
I’ve considered something along these lines but never drew up a proposal. Happy to review some ideas of you send them over. Alternatively I have considered a setup using something...
Are you on k8s slack or discord or similar to have a more thorough conversation about the topic? You can email me details if you wish and I can reach...
Sure! Just doing some spring cleaning of issues etc. Shout out on discord or whatever and we can further discuss.
I’m not ignoring you :) just currently traveling and this will take a bit to dig into to understand what’s happening.