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A set of useful Emacs modes and functions for users of Nix and Nix OS.
#+TITLE: Nix Options -- A set of useful Emacs modes and functions for users of Nix and Nix OS.
| nixos-options | helm-nixos-options | ivy-nixos-options | company-nixos-options | nix-sandbox | | [[][]] | [[][]] | [[]] | [[][]] | [[][file:]] |
[[][ Chat.svg]] [[][]]
** Usage
*** helm-nixos-options
The function =helm-nixos-options= is the one that you want to bind. You are free to choose where and if you want it global you can have this.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-S-n") 'helm-nixos-options) #+end_src
It looks like this
The description of the option is shown in the minibuffer
If you want more information, there is a detailed buffer when you press =return=
There are also other actions like inserting the current match into the buffer
*** ivy-nixos-options
Use this if you don't want the rather heavy =helm= dependency. The function =ivy-nixos-options= is the one that you want to bind. You are free to choose where and if you want it global you can have this.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (global-set-key (kbd "C-c C-S-n") 'ivy-nixos-options)
(setq ivy-nixos-options-default 1) ; defines what function is being called when pressing return. I like to have it set to 2 ; All of the actions can always be called when pressing M-o ; 1 = show the docs buffer (default) ; 2 = insert the string ; 3 = only show the description of the command #+end_src
It looks like this
If you want more information, there is a detailed buffer when you press =return=
There are also other actions like inserting the current match into the buffer. The builtin help menu from ivy (display with =M-o=) shows all possible options. e.g. =M-o i= will insert the option
*** company-nixos-options
Add company-nixos-options to allowed company-mode backends list
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'company-backends 'company-nixos-options) #+end_src
For now it shows the documentation of the option in a popup-buffer.
*** nix-sandbox
Utility functions to work with nix sandboxes.
- ~nix-shell-command~ composes command that can be executed in the given sandbox
- ~nix-shell~ executes a command in the given sandbox
- ~nix-compile~ compiles a program in the given sandbox
- ~nix-find-sandbox~ searches from the given path upwards until it finds a =shell.nix= or =default.nix= file.
- ~nix-current-sandbox~ searches for a sandbox file starting from the current working directory.
- ~nix-executable-find~ a replacement for the built-in =executable-find=. The function searches in the given sandbox for executables.
**** Flycheck
With this configuration [[][flycheck]] can find executables of checkers that would be only accessible via =nix-shell=:
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq flycheck-command-wrapper-function (lambda (command) (apply 'nix-shell-command (nix-current-sandbox) command)) flycheck-executable-find (lambda (cmd) (nix-executable-find (nix-current-sandbox) cmd))) #+end_src
**** Haskell Mode
Add these lines to your configuration to allow [[][haskell-mode]] to look for =ghc= in the current sandbox.
#+begin_src emacs-lisp (setq haskell-process-wrapper-function (lambda (args) (apply 'nix-shell-command (nix-current-sandbox) args))) #+end_src