dpl copied to clipboard
ArgumentError when deploying using Heroku API
Hi, I'm using dpl version 2.0.2.beta.1
on GitLab CI, and when deploying to Heroku, it fails with tried to create Proc object without a block (ArgumentError)
$ gem install dpl --pre
Successfully installed regstry-1.0.15
Successfully installed cl-1.2.4
Successfully installed dpl-2.0.2.beta.1
3 gems installed
$ dpl heroku api --api_key $HEROKU_STAGING_API_KEY --app $HEROKU_APP_STAGING
Installing deployment dependencies
Installing gem dependencies: faraday (~> 0.9.2), json, netrc (~> 0.11.0), rendezvous (~> 0.1.3)
tried to create Proc object without a block (ArgumentError)
I think this is because dpl
depends on Faraday 0.9.2 which isn't compatible with Ruby 3.
Support for Ruby 3 was added in Faraday v0.17.3. The PR that fixed it is https://github.com/lostisland/faraday/pull/1083.
@BanzaiMan Could we consider bumping the dependency on Faraday to at least the version 0.17.3?
I have the same issue, I have downgraded Ruby to 2.7.5 and it is ok, it is some kind of workaround til you fixed the issue with Faraday version.
Can we please fix this by bumping the Faraday version? I am happy to create a PR.
Running into this issue when trying to deploy to GitHub using Travis on Ubuntu Jammy (22.04 LTS). Everything works on Ubuntu Focal (20.04 LTS) but its age causes other issues for our projects. I noticed multiple people reporting the same issue on the Travis CI community forums. The Travis CI helpdesk referred me to this issue / keep an eye on the changelog of this repository, but it appears pretty stale.
@murtaza-swati I noticed that you are were to merge pull requests could you perhaps answer the above question from @tannakartikey?
is this project still actively maintained?